Notch a series of wing dams throughout Pool 2 to improve channel border fish habitat. Wing dam notching will enable downstream scouring, which creates overwintering habitat.
The project area is in the middle and lower half of Pool 2, Upper Mississippi River, downstream of St. Paul, Minnesota, spanning Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties, Minnesota.
In 2009, through the Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program authority, or NESP, a project implementation report for the Pool 2 Wing Dam Modification Project was completed. The report established ecosystem restoration goals and specific performance measure indicators; specified the without-project condition or baseline for each performance measure indicator; and, for each separable element of the ecosystem restoration, identified specific target goals for each performance indicator.
The recommended plan as identified in the report includes notching 30 wing dams to improve channel border habitat for fish; 23 wing dams were proposed to have a single notch, and seven wing dams were proposed to have a double notch. The project delivery team evaluated the 30 wing dams identified in the report and determined that 17 wing dams could be notched to provide habitat benefit without negatively impacting the Corps’ navigation mission.
The plans and specifications were complete in July 2022 and a contract was awarded on November 3, 2022. Construction was complete on June 26 with a project dedication ceremony held in July.
NESP was authorized in the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (Title VIII) to construct small-scale navigation improvements, seven new 1200-foot lock chambers and ecosystem/habitat restoration. Congress directed spending of $18 million for ecosystem restoration projects in fiscal year 2022.
Project design and construction, and operation and maintenance costs are 100% federally funded because the project is located on Corps lands.
Funds allocated to-date: $498,000
Construction Contract amount: $324,000