
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Programs & Project Management

332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

(651) 290-5755

Tag: Upper Mississippi River
  • April

    Beneficial Use of Dredged Material: Section 1122, Upper Pool 4 – Lake Pepin, Bay City, Wisconsin

    This project utilizes dredged material generated from navigation channel to protect and restore backwater habitat; this is a win-win project for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, our partner agencies, and the environment. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is the non-federal sponsor.
  • September

    Mississippi River Locks and Dams 2–10 Miter Gates Replacement

    Locks and Dams (LD) 2 through 10 have used the same miter gates since their construction in the 1930s. Over time, the gates have been damaged and distressed, which has led to serviceability and safety issues. This project will replace the gates and the anchorages system, increasing navigational longevity and operational readiness while decreasing repair costs and downtime due to maintenance or failure. Upper Mississippi Locks and Dams 2 through 10.
  • April

    Navigation: Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project Maintenance Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for maintaining a 9-foot navigation channel as an important component of the inland navigation system.
  • September

    Navigation: Upper Pool 4 Channel Management Study Minnesota/Wisconsin

    The purpose of the study is to investigate if any action(s) would reduce the dredging frequency in the study area. Navigation in upper Pool 4 has been negatively affected by sedimentation in the navigation channel.
  • March

    Planning Assistance to States: Mississippi River Water Level Management

    The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to: (1) develop regionally-supported action plans for managing pool water levels; (2) improve knowledge of biological responses to water level manipulation, improving public knowledge and engagement; and (3) increase the feasibility and affordability of water level management.
  • November

    Pool 2 Wing Dam Modification Project, Upper Mississippi River Pool 2, Minnesota

    This project will notch a series of wing dams throughout Pool 2 in order to improve main channel border habitat for fishes. Wing dam notching will enable downstream scouring, which creates overwintering habitat. The project area is in the middle and lower half of Pool 2, Upper Mississippi River, downstream of St. Paul, Minnesota; spanning Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties, Minnesota.
  • April

    Upper Mississippi River – Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP) Johnson Island Project

    This is a NESP study partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WIDNR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The study will consider alternatives including island building and enhancement, forest enhancement and creation, backwater restoration and dredging, island and shoreline protection and beneficial use of dredged material.
  • Upper Mississippi River – Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP) Systemic Mitigation Island 4 Project

    Sedimentation and sediment resuspension caused a loss in water depth diversity of the backwater lakes and isolated wetlands above Lake Pepin as well as a loss in aquatic vegetation. Concerns over habitat deficiencies in Upper Pool 4 include reduced habitat diversity and quality, lack of aquatic vegetation and invertebrates, and reduced abundance of fish and wildlife. The project includes construction of a peninsula to improve habitat conditions by reducing wind, waves, and redirecting sediment inflows. It also includes overwintering dredging to support a deep water habitat for fish and bank and shoreline stabilization to reduce inflows and erosion during high flow events.
  • Upper Mississippi River – Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP) Wacouta Bay Project

    This is a NESP study partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WIDNR), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The study will consider alternatives including island building and enhancement, forest enhancement and creation, backwater restoration and dredging, island and shoreline protection and beneficial use of dredged material.
  • Upper Mississippi River – Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program Sny Magill Project

    This NESP study is a partnership with the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The study will consider alternatives including riverbank stabilization and protection, floodplain restoration, closure or partial closure structures, and in-channel diversion structures.
  • February

    Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project Locks and Dams, Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District is responsible for maintaining 244 miles of the Upper Mississippi River 9-foot channel navigation system from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Guttenberg, Iowa. The Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project is located in or contiguous to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. The navigation project within the St. Paul District includes 13 locks and dams that are operated and maintained by the Corps. In addition to the locks and dams, the project includes channel maintenance, recreation and natural resource activities.
  • April

    Upper Mississippi River Restoration Project Big Lake, Pool 4, Wisconsin

    As with the much of the upper Mississippi River, sedimentation of backwater areas is an ongoing issue. The project area is greatly influenced by the input of sand from the Chippewa River that enters Pool 4 at about river mile 764. Other potential sources of sand are the historic channel maintenance dredging side-cast islands and the four active temporary placement sites within the study area. Big Lake has lost much of its island complex and bottomland forest to wind and wave erosion. The barrier islands between the lake and Catfish Slough have been degraded and/or eliminated over the past several years.