Orwell Lake is located 6 miles southwest of Fergus Falls, Minn., in Otter Tail County. This wildlife haven is 15-20 minutes from Interstate Highway 94 and only 30-45 minutes from Breckenridge, Minn., via Minnesota State Highway 210.
The recreation area offers two day-use areas. One, located at the dam's main entrance, has a picnic area, playground, privies, accessible picnic shelters and tailwater bank fishing. The second area is north of the dam and is excellent for viewing wildlife. Just adjacent to the recreation area is a wildlife sanctuary, maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
There are two boat accesses to the lake. The south primitive access is exclusive to duck/flat-bottom boats. The north access, equipped with concrete planks, is for larger boats. The lake is limited to boats with motors of 10 horsepower or less.
Hunting and fishing is also available. Walleye, northern, crappie and redhorse sucker live in the lake. Hunting includes duck, goose, fox, pheasant, Hungarian partridge and white-tailed deer. Prior to hunting, however, check with the Minnesota Department of natural Resources personnel for the areas open to hunting and fishing, as well as current state regulations.
Brochure (pdf)
Map and Directions (pdf)