Pool 2
The Pool 2 dredged material management plan public comment period expired Jan. 8, 2020. The final plan and Finding of No Significant Impact document was signed July 1, 2020.
Pool 2 Dredged Material Management Plan
Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF)
Pool 3
Corps staff are currently working with our federal, state and local partners to develop a draft dredged material management plan for Pool 9 within the Mississippi River. There is no current timeline for releasing the draft document.
Pool 4
The Mississippi River Pool 4 dredged material management plan was approved in Novemeber 2022. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, released the draft plan March 22, 2022. A public meeting to discuss the plan and to receive public comments was held at the Wabasha-Kellogg High School April 13, 2022. A 30-day public comment period expired April 19, 2022.
Pool 4 Dredged Material Management Plan
Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF)
Pool 5
The draft Rolling Prairie Land Use Operational Plan is available here (PDF).
The Pool 5 draft dredged material management plan public comment period concluded Oct. 18, 2019. The final plan and Finding of No Significant Impact document was signed Feb. 10, 2020.
Pool 5 Dredged Material Management Plan
Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF)
Pool 6
The Pool 6 dredged material management plan public comment period expired July 15, 2022. The final plan and Finding of No Significant Impact document was signed May 24, 2023.
Pool 6 Dredged Material Management Plan
Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF)
Pool 9
Corps staff are currently working with our federal, state and local partners to develop a draft dredged material management plan for Pool 9 within the Mississippi River. There is no current timeline for releasing the draft document.
Pool 10
Corps staff are currently working with our federal, state and local partners to develop a draft dredged material management plan for Pool 10 within the Mississippi River. There is no current timeline for releasing the draft document.