Channel Maintenance Management Plan (CMMP)

The Channel Maintenance Management Plan is a comprehensive, long-term plan for guiding channel maintenance activities in the St. Paul District. The plan evolved from the GREAT study (1974-1980) and subsequent planning efforts to implement GREAT study recommendations. It provides long-term planning, establishes coordination procedures and an evaluation process for dredged material placement site alternatives and provides historic data related to the channel maintenance program. While long-term in nature, the plan is designed to accommodate new information and changes.


General Sections (pdf format)

Cover (113 KB) 
Executive Summary (1,468 KB) 
Table of Contents (64 KB) 
General Information (145 KB)
Appendix A: Interagency Coordination Procedures (305 KB) 
Appendix B: District Mitigation Policy (1,202 KB) 
Appendix C: Sediment Analysis Procedures (3,619 KB) 
Appendix D: Placement Site Evaluation Procedures (2,327 KB)

Tabs 1-8 (pdf format)

 Tab 1: Project Information(334 KB)

Tab 2A: Annual Channel Maintenance Summaries 
Definition of Abbreviations and Terms (69 KB)

Tab 2B: Annual Channel Management & Maintenance Summaries

Tab 3: Dredged Material Placement Site Information

Tab 4: Dredging Location Information

Tab 5: Sediment Quality and Characteristic Data

 Tab 6: Placement Site Actions, Five Year Plan (52 KB)

Tab 7: Channel Management Plan

Tab 8: Dredge Cut and Placement Site Location Maps

Tabs 9-20: Placement Site Information Sheets and Operational Maps (pdf format)

GREAT I: A Study of the Upper Mississippi River

A Study of the Upper Mississippi River Main Report (Volume 1)

A Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Floodplain Management, Dredged Material Uses, Dredging Requirements (Volume 2.1)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Floodplain Management, Dredged Material Uses, Dredging Requirements (Volume 2.2)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Material and Equipment Needs, Commercial Transportation (Volume 3)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Water Quality, Sediment & Erosion (Volume 4)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Fish and Wildlife (Volume 5.1)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Fish and Wildlife. (Volume 5.2)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Recreation (Volume 6)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Channel Maintenance. (Volume 8.1)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Channel Maintenance. Pool Plans and Site Descriptions - Minnesota River, St. Croix River, Upper St. Anthony Falls, and Pools 1 & 2 (Volume 8.2)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Channel Maintenance. Pool Plans and Site Descriptions - Pools 3 & 4 (Volume 8.3) 

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Channel Maintenance. Pool Plans and Site Descriptions - Pools 5, 5A, 6 & 7  (Volume 8.4)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Channel Maintenance. Pool Plans and Site Descriptions - Pools 8, 9, & 10 (Volume 8.5)

Study of the Upper Mississippi River. Technical Appendixes. Volume 9. Environmental Impact Statement (Volume 9)

Channel Maintenance Contact

Channel Maintenance Coordinator
Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Channels & Harbors Project Office
Fountain City, WI
Office: 651-290-5150

Channel Management and Placement Site Activities Schedule

The report contains a construction schedule for Channel Management Study and non-study features, for example, wing dam notching, island construction, and/or shoreline bank stabilization work, etc. This page also contains a construction schedule for work at the Corps of Engineers dredge material placement sites, for example, excavations, landscaping, reshaping, etc.

Channel Management and Placement Site Activities Schedule (PDF)
Updated Dec. 9, 2024