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North Dakota Game and Fish

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WI Department of Natural Resources

Homme Lake

Homme Lake and Dam is a quiet, peaceful campground in the middle of the prairie. At this beautiful 194-acre lake you can enjoy canoeing, water skiing, boating and fishing. The fish population includes large-mouth bass, walleye, crappie and pike. The Walsh County Park Board operates a park near the dam that provides facilities for boat launching, camping and picnicking. For those who prefer solitude, the 200-acre of surrounding land, managed by the Corps of Engineers, is open to hiking, hunting, cross country skiing and snowmobiling.

Homme Dam and lake are located on the south branch of the Park River two miles west of the city of Park River, N.D., on Highway 17. Homme Dam was built primarily for flood control and water supply benefits. Construction began in 1948 and was completed in 1950.

Dam Specifications

Length -- 865 feet
Height -- 67 feet
Spillway Length -- 218 feet
Control Outlet Diameter -- 5 feet

Map and Directions

Please contact the park office at 701-331-0080.

Homme Lake Master Plan

The St. Paul District is currently drafting a strategic land use document that will guide the district’s operations for Lake Ashtabula, near Valley City, North Dakota; and Homme Reservoir, near Grafton, North Dakota, in the years to come. The master plan, while conceptual in nature, will serve as the vision for both environmental stewardship and recreation as the Corps continues to serve the public in the 21st Century. Click here to learn more about the plan.
Homme Lake



U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Homme Lake 
2630-114th Ave. SE
Valley City, ND 58072-9795



Phone: (701) 845-2970


Map & Directions

Homme Lake map