Lake Ashtabula / Homme Reservoir Master Plans

Baldhill Dam and Lake AshtabulaThe St. Paul District is drafting a strategic land use document that will guide the district’s operations for Lake Ashtabula, near Valley City, North Dakota; and Homme Reservoir, near Grafton, North Dakota, in the years to come. The master plan, while conceptual in nature, will serve as the vision for both environmental stewardship and recreation as the Corps continues to serve the public in the 21st Century.

The plan provides guidance and facilitates the management of resources located within the Lake Ashtabula and Homme Reservoir project lands. To ensure consideration of natural and cultural resources, the St. Paul District is drafting an environmental assessment to identify and evaluate potentially significant impacts as a result of the master plan.

Homme ReservoirThe Lake Ashtabula Master Plan was created in 1953 and last updated in 2006. The Homme Reservoir Master Plan was created in 1952. The plans focus on what could and should happen over the life of the projects, but are flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen or changing conditions. The plans also include all lands (fees, easements or other interests) acquired for the project to support operations and authorized missions. This plan will also guide and articulate the Corps’ responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal laws, policies and regulations.

Developed by a Corps interdisciplinary team, the plan includes coordination with local, state and federal agencies and tribal representatives, along with input from the special interest groups and members of the public.

Photos: Baldhill Dam/Lake Ashtabula (top), Homme Lake (bottom)

The primary goals of the plan include:

• Establishing an overall land use management plan;
• Identifying resource objectives; and
• Identifying associated design and management concepts.

 By definition, Corps master plans for reservoirs, land and recreational use do not address:

• Technical aspects of water level management;
• Regional water quality;
• Shoreline management; or
• Operation and maintenance of project facilities.



Lake Ashtabula Project Office
2630 114th Ave. SE
Valley City, ND 58072-9795

Previous Master Plans