Minnesota Congressional District 5 projects and studies

Disposition Study, Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, and Lock and Dam 1, Upper Mississippi

Determine whether or not continued operation and ownership of Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam and Lock and Dam 1 are in the federal interest, and if not, provides supporting information for deauthorization of the project purposes and disposal of the property.
Published: 3/22/2019

Disposition Study, Upper St. Anthony Falls and Lock and Dam, Upper Mississippi River

Determine whether or not continued operation and ownership of Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam (USAF) is in the federal interest, and if not, provide supporting information for deauthorization of the project purposes and disposal of the property. USAF is located on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Published: 3/14/2016

Hydropower, FERC Licensing

Granting licensing of a privately-owned hydropower project on federal property. The project is proposed to be located at Upper St. Anthony Falls lock and dam, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Published: 2/26/2015

Mississippi River Lock and Dam 1, Ambursen Dam Downstream Repair

The purpose of this project is to re-establish armor downstream of the concrete apron and prevent further scour. Lock and Dam 1 is located on the Minneapolis, Minnesota side of the Mississippi River.
Published: 2/26/2015

Navigation: Routine Dam Gate Maintenance

Maintenance of the dam spillway gates are required to avoid degradation and eventual replacement. Benefit – cost analyses show it is economically favorable to maintain the gates rather than the replacement option. There are also reliability and safety concerns with allowing the gates to degrade to the point that they must be replaced. formed on site.
Published: 2/26/2015

Tribal Partnership Program

The Tribal Partnership Program (TPP) provides authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to utilize TPP to perform water-related planning activities and activities related to the study, design and construction of water resources development projects located primarily on tribal lands that substantially benefit federally-recognized tribes. To start the process, a tribe submits a study request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps evaluates the request, and if viable, the Corps works with the tribe to determine a scope of work and enters into a feasibility cost sharing agreement (FCSA). Following the execution of the FCSA, the Corps seeks federal funding for the study.
Published: 9/25/2017

Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project Locks and Dams, Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District is responsible for maintaining 244 miles of the Upper Mississippi River 9-foot channel navigation system from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Guttenberg, Iowa. The Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project is located in or contiguous to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. The navigation project within the St. Paul District includes 13 locks and dams that are operated and maintained by the Corps. In addition to the locks and dams, the project includes channel maintenance, recreation and natural resource activities.
Published: 2/27/2015

Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project Maintenance Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for maintaining a 9-foot navigation channel as an important component to the inland navigation system. The St. Paul District (MVP) is responsible for maintaining 244 miles of the Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project from the head of navigation at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Guttenberg, Iowa. The navigation project also includes the lower navigable portions of the Minnesota, St. Croix, and Black Rivers.
Published: 2/26/2015