
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Programs & Project Management

332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

(651) 290-5755

Disposition Study, Upper St. Anthony Falls and Lock and Dam, Upper Mississippi River

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published March 14, 2016
Updated: Sept. 3, 2024
Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Minneapolis, Minn.

Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Minneapolis, Minn.

Click here: Project page with detailed information and reports

Determine whether continued operation and ownership of Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock (USAF) project is in the federal interest, and if not, consider alternatives for disposal of the property.


The USAF project is located on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


USAF was ordered closed to navigation on June 9, 2015, under Section 2010 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014.

Sections 1168 and 1225 of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of October 24, 2018, directed the Corps to expedite completion of a disposition study for USAF and to examine partial disposal, environmental and natural resource improvement opportunities, and dam removal.

Section 356 of the Water Resources Development Act of December 27, 2020 (WRDA 2020), directed that all or substantially all the lands around the USAF lock be conveyed to the city of Minneapolis, and that additional licenses and easements be granted to the city for any lands and features that are not otherwise conveyed.


The Corps published a draft disposition study report in January 2021, recommending full disposal of features not conveyed to the city under WRDA 2020. The remaining features include the lock structure, an upstream crossover wall, guide walls, dolphins, and the downstream rock dike. The draft report invited outside parties to submit letters of interest in future ownership, at this time no one has expressed interest. Formal tribal and Section 106 consultation began in February 2021 and is ongoing.

Conveyance activities began in June 2022. In December 2022, the Corps identified lands available for conveyance to the city. Due to on-going navigation mission and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) needs, excess lands are subject to Corps reserved rights for O&M, and conveyance would exclude significant tracts of interest to the city. As a result, the city is interested in modifying the structure and functions under 33 USC Section 408, to meet its goals prior to conveyance.

In March of 2024, an outgrant was issued to the city of Minneapolis’ agent, Owamniyomi Okhodaydai. The outgrant is an interim step to full conveyance pending submittal of the above mentioned 408. The disposition report can proceed now that the maximum extent of the conveyance of land is understood. If disposal of the remaining features is still recommended, a final report will be forwarded for approval by the director of Civil Works.


Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 allows the Corps to study the disposal of completed projects. Federal property disposal is managed by the General Services Administration as governed by federal law.

USAF has received $1.4 million through fiscal year 2023. Total estimated study cost remaining $450,000.


Baseline estimated cost of the study was $2.02 million over two years. A total of $1,548,514 has been obligated to date. The Fiscal Year 2024 President’s Budget is $150,000. Fiscal year 2024 capacity is $250,000. The updated study completion estimate is $450,000. Disposition studies are typically funded under the Investigations appropriation and workplan.