South Dakota projects, studies and information papers

Flood Control Sites (MN): Lake Traverse, Orwell Lake, Red Lake, Big Stone - Highway 75 Dam, Lac qui Parle

All Minnesota flood control sites include flood risk management, recreation and environmental stewardship business line functions. Each has public use facilities for shore fishing, picnicking, bird watching and other activities. The land is actively managed for habitat enhancement. Lake Traverse is on the Minnesota–South Dakota border between Browns Valley, Minnesota, and Wahpeton, North Dakota/Breckenridge, Minnesota. It consists of two dams, two reservoirs and the Browns Valley Dike.
Published: 2/27/2015

Operations & Maintenance: Lake Traverse Repairs Modernization Project

The St. Paul District staff has been conducting field investigations, developing hydrologic and hydraulic models and developing plans and specifications for the three sites as well as the water control manual update. The White Rock Dam modernization project will be ready for contract award in August 2024. The Reservation Dam and Browns Valley Dike work will be completed and awarded in 2025. The Water Control Manual update will be complete in 2025.
Published: 4/15/2024

Tribal Partnership Program

The Tribal Partnership Program (TPP) provides authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to utilize TPP to perform water-related planning activities and activities related to the study, design and construction of water resources development projects located primarily on tribal lands that substantially benefit federally-recognized tribes. To start the process, a tribe submits a study request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps evaluates the request, and if viable, the Corps works with the tribe to determine a scope of work and enters into a feasibility cost sharing agreement (FCSA). Following the execution of the FCSA, the Corps seeks federal funding for the study.
Published: 9/25/2017