
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Programs & Project Management

332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

(651) 290-5755

Souris River Basin, North Dakota

U. S. Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published Feb. 27, 2015
Updated: Sept. 3, 2024

In the mid-1970s, a series of major flood events occurred. To protect the communities, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers constructed a series of emergency levees under Public Law 84‒99. These levees were later incorporated into the federal project. Since then, the emergency levees have undergone limited maintenance and experienced structural encroachments; however, these levees remain the primary line of defense for major flood events. While the emergency levees have provided some protection against major flood events, a permanent solution is needed to reduce the flood risk to these critical North Dakota communities.

The Souris River in the North Dakota cities of Burlington, Minot, Logan, and Sawyer had a flood of record in 2011 with flows of 27,400 cubic feet per second. These flows devastated the communities and caused evacuations of more than 11,000 residents and approximately $1 billion in damage to private and public property. The recovery efforts are still ongoing.


The Souris River flows from Saskatchewan, Canada, into North Dakota through the communities of Burlington, Minot, Sawyer, and Velva and then back into Manitoba, Canada.


The recommended plan is in Minot, North Dakota, and includes a Maple Diversion with a North Levee and recreation trail and a West Tieback Levee. 


The Souris River Joint Water Resource Board was the non-federal sponsor for the feasibility study. The Souris River Basin Study holistically examined modifications to existing reservoirs, channels, and levees within the project area and evaluated any possible new structural or nonstructural measures to address flood risk management.

The study was funded in February 2016. The draft feasibility report and environmental assessment was released in October 2017 for agency and public review. The feasibility study was completed in April 2019. The estimated project cost is $104 million. The project was authorized for construction in the 2020 Water Resources Development Act. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds of $61.5 million have been appropriated. These funds will be utilized for the continuation of plans and specifications as well as construction of the Maple Diversion.


The project was authorized for construction as part of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020.


The feasibility study was funded with 50% federal and 50% non-federal funds.

Total Study Cost                                       ~$3,600,000

The implementation of the project will be cost shared 65% federal and 35% non-federal.

Estimated Total Project Cost                 ~$104,000,000