Planning Assistance to States: Thief River Falls

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published Sept. 26, 2023
Updated: April 3, 2024


The purpose of this potential project is to aid in providing technical assistance to gather baseline river sediment and morphology data. This data will potentially feed into future feasibility study and project addressing the city of Thief River Falls water quality.


The city of Thief River Falls water treatment intake is currently located on the east bank of the Red Lake River and the raw water pump station is located adjacent to the plant. The city of Thief River Falls is looking at the potential to install a new water intake in an area upstream of the confluence of the Thief and Red Lake Rivers, to possibly minimize seasonal water quality issues.


Request for assistance has been received from the city of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, to help with technical assistance to address safe drinking water concerns. The city of Thief River Falls currently has a water treatment plant and associated water intake located on the Red Lake River, which has seen seasonally reduced water quality and quantity issues. The city is looking at relocating the raw water intake further upstream and is seeking technical assistance to assess the channel sediment depth and composition.


In May 2022, the city of Thief River Falls and the Corps began talks and scoping the potential for technical assistance. A follow-up meeting in June 2022 was held to further discuss the geographic extent, sampling design and details, as well as steps involved in a formal cost share agreement. An agreement was executed through the PAS program in December 2023.

It is expected that river bathymetry work will take four to five weeks and sediment core sampling will take one week to complete. Project work is scheduled for spring 2024 and will be completed in fiscal year 2025.


The study would be authorized by Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93‒251) as amended. This study would be conducted under the Corps’ PAS program, following the 50/50 cost share formula with the non-federal sponsor.


The study follows the 50/50 cost-share formula with the non-federal sponsor.

Total Study Cost                                            $182,210

     Federal Amount                                          $91,105

     Sponsor Work-In-Kind Services                   $91,105