Tag: Planning Assistance to States
  • March

    Planning Assistance to States: Mississippi River Water Level Management

    The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to: (1) develop regionally-supported action plans for managing pool water levels; (2) improve knowledge of biological responses to water level manipulation, improving public knowledge and engagement; and (3) increase the feasibility and affordability of water level management.
  • September

    Planning Assistance to States: Red River Basin Comprehensive Study

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of various flood risk reduction measures basin-wide to reduce main stem peak flows by 20% for the larger rare events such as the 0.5 (200-year) and 0.2% (500-year) chance of exceedance floods.
  • April

    Planning Assistance to States: River Falls Hydroelectric Project

    This project assisted the city of River Falls, Wisconsin, in the development of a comprehensive plan to assess the proposed relicensing of the Junction Falls Development and the decommissioning and removal of the dam at the Powell Falls Development. Both developments are part of the River Falls Hydroelectric Project.
  • September

    Planning Assistance to States: Souris Basin Study

    Investigating and evaluating water supply and flood control options requires a thorough understanding of the water resources of the Souris Basin. This comprehensive study also updates the knowledge of the hydrological and hydraulic processes of the Souris River Basin under the current climate regime and climate change. Computer modeling is used to simulate various water supply and flood control options, and methods will be developed to evaluate the effects that these options will have on resource groups.
  • Planning Assistance to States: Thief River Falls

    The purpose of this potential project is to aid in providing technical assistance to gather baseline river sediment and morphology data. This data will potentially feed into future feasibility study and project addressing the city of Thief River Falls water quality.
  • Planning Assistance to States: Valley Branch Watershed District, Landlocked Basin Study, Minnesota

    The Valley Branch Watershed District (VBWD) project is a comprehensive planning study to assess water level management options for nine landlocked lakes and ponds at risk for flooding in Washington County, Minnesota. This study identifies and assesses alternatives to manage high-water conditions to protect homes, roadways, sewage systems, and other critical infrastructure in the VBWD.
  • March

    Planning Assistance to States: Yellow Medicine River and Minnesota River Watersheds, Minnesota

    The Yellow Medicine River is a major tributary to the Minnesota River located in southwestern Minnesota. The study area for this project includes approximately 685 square miles of mostly agricultural lands across five counties. The Yellow Medicine River and Minnesota River wetland project addresses three high priority concerns: (1) mitigate altered hydrology and minimize flooding; (2) minimize transport of excess nutrients, sediment and bacteria; and (3) preserve groundwater quantity and quality.