
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Programs & Project Management

332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

(651) 290-5755

Tag: Wisconsin
  • September

    CAP 14 Streambank Protection: Section 14, Wastewater Treatment Lagoons, Village of Colfax, Dunn County, Wisconsin

    The purpose of the project is to stabilize the riverbank from erosion that may affect the integrity of the wastewater treatment lagoon berm.
  • April

    Dam Safety Program: Wisconsin

    The overlying purpose of dam safety is to ensure the integrity and viability of dams such that they do not present unacceptable risks to the public, property and the environment.
  • March

    Flood Plain Management Services: Wisconsin

    This program is to educate individuals who live and work in floodplains on flood hazards and the actions they can take to reduce property damage and prevent the loss of life. The program’s objective is to foster public understanding of the options for dealing with flood hazards and to promote prudent use and management of the nation’s floodplains. Projects in the Flood Plain Management Services (FPMS) program occur throughout Wisconsin.
  • February

    Flood Risk Management: Section 205, Trempealeau River, Arcadia, Wisconsin

    Reduce the risk of damages due to flooding in the city of Arcadia, Wisconsin. Arcadia is located in Trempealeau County in west-central Wisconsin, approximately 130 miles southeast of St. Paul, Minnesota. The city is located on the Trempealeau River, with Turton Creek and Meyers Valley Creek flowing into the Trempealeau River on the east and west sides of the city.
  • March

    Fountain City Service Base Sustainment & Modernization

    The Fountain City Service Base (FCSB) Sustainment and Modernization Project is a two-phase project to improve the function and safety throughout the service base. The two objectives of the project are to replace the deteriorated mooring dolphins on the west side of the Fountain City harbor channel and modernize the service base. The project is located at the Fountain City Services Base in Pool 5 of the Upper Mississippi River, in Fountain City, Wisconsin.
  • September

    Mississippi River: Lock and Dam 6 Winter Maintenance; Alma, Wisconsin

    Purpose of this project is to assure proper periodic maintenance and subsequent operation of the Lock and Dam systems. Lock and Dam 6 is located near the community of Trempealeau, Wisconsin. The Corps of Engineers completed the facility in 1936 as part of the overall 9-foot channel project.
  • April

    Upper Mississippi River Restoration Project Big Lake, Pool 4, Wisconsin

    As with the much of the upper Mississippi River, sedimentation of backwater areas is an ongoing issue. The project area is greatly influenced by the input of sand from the Chippewa River that enters Pool 4 at about river mile 764. Other potential sources of sand are the historic channel maintenance dredging side-cast islands and the four active temporary placement sites within the study area. Big Lake has lost much of its island complex and bottomland forest to wind and wave erosion. The barrier islands between the lake and Catfish Slough have been degraded and/or eliminated over the past several years.