Public Notices - Minnesota and Wisconsin

Archive: 2025
  • 2024-01153-KDZ (Interstate Marshfield East Service Center)

    Expiration date: 2/13/2025

    The proposed project consists of constructing a state-of-the-art service center that would implement electric truck technology as well as a fit and manufacturing facility for custom truck bodies and a central parts distribution warehouse for a five-state area. The proposed building and parking lot area would be configured to allow large trucks to be able to pull into the proposed facility without interfering with the retail portion of the building or interfering with on-site traffic.

  • Stearns County Highway Department

    Expiration date: 2/14/2025

    The purpose of the project is for Stearns County Highway Department to reconstruct a 5.62-mile section of County Road 157 from the intersection of Trunk Highway 238 in Albany to the intersection of 6th Avenue in Freeport. The current roadway no longer meets state aid standards for shoulder width and slope grade in several locations. The following activities are proposed: grading of ditches along the roadway, removal of concrete panels from under the current roadway surface, sub-cutting, and removal of non-compliant material from the roadbed, replacement of centerline and driveway culverts, stormwater treatment, paving of the new roadway surface and seeding and turf restoration, and the removal of a wood trestle bridge that expands over County Road 157 and is part of the Dairyland / Wobegon trail. The proposed roadway would be 62-foot-wide with a top surface width of 36 feet with a 1 to 4 slope.


    Expiration date: 2/20/2025

    According to the sponsor, there are approximately 115 available for use by the public within BSA 7. BSA 7 is most active wetland credit market in the state and the current inventory will likely be exhausted in two to three years based on historical averages. Additional wetland banks are needed to ensure a cost-effective and reliable source of credits in the future. BSA 7 is the most active service area in Minnesota with average annual credit demand of 57 credits per year for the period 2016 through 2020 (not including MnDOT and BWSR Road Program withdrawals). In 2021 and 2022, the credit use was well above this average and the BSA experienced a net loss of credits (more credits withdrawn than deposited). Assuming the amount of development and investment in infrastructure continues for the next several years there will be a shortage of wetland credits in this BSA as inventory is used up at a faster rate than it is replaced. The credits from the Mille Lacs Meadows West Wetland Bank combined with those forecasted from the Mille Lacs Meadow North and South banks will replenish the supply of credits in this BSA and provide stability to the market over the next five to ten years.

  • Dover Wetland and Stream Bank

    Expiration date: 2/20/2025

    The proposed bank is located within a WCA classified wetland region containing less than 50% of pre-statehood wetlands and significantly degraded streams. The sponsor proposes the project to restore wetland and stream conditions within the site, thereby increasing habitat diversity, providing refuge for locally important fish and wildlife, improving water quality through improved floodplain connectivity, and improving overall watershed conditions within the Whitewater watershed. The goal of the project is to restore wetland hydrology from pattern tiled agricultural fields as well as perform a Priority 2 stream restoration to restore a self-sustaining, high functioning wetland/stream complex.

  • Wabasha Barge Terminal

    Expiration date: 2/18/2025

    The City of Wabasha, in cooperation with the Wabasha Port Authority, is proposing to construct a commercial port facility on the Mississippi River in the City of Wabasha, Minnesota. The proposed project would be located at 1501 and 1600 5th Grant Boulevard West on the north side of the City of Wabasha in Wabasha County Minnesota. The 8.2-acre Wabasha Barge Facility would facilitate the transfer of materials, to include but not limited to dredge material and other commodities, from river barges to trucks for transport to offsite facilities. The City of Wabasha would own the project site and contract the port operations and transportation of materials. The project involves the construction of a barge terminal pad, access road, sheet pile dock face, upstream and downstream steel pipe pile structures for barge mooring and maneuvering, footings for conveyors and hoppers material handling and loadout, installation of electric, sewer, and water utilities, a future proposed loading scale and scale house/office building. The project also involves dredging in a side channel of the Mississippi River for an access channel, which will be and an area to accommodate barge maneuvering and docking. This will be performed by either hydraulic or mechanical dredging techniques and include deepening the side channel widening the area immediately adjacent to the proposed fleeting area for improved barge maneuverability. There will also be dredging in a second area of the side channel of the Mississippi River in an area to accommodate barge maneuvering and docking. This will be performed by either hydraulic or mechanical dredging techniques and include widening the area immediately adjacent to the proposed fleeting area for improved barge maneuverability.

  • Special Public Notice (MNWI SQT release)

    Expiration date: 1/6/2030

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) is announcing the release of version 1.0 of the Minnesota and Wisconsin (MNWI) Stream Quantification Tool (SQT) and Debit Calculator. The MNWI SQT replaces, updates, and merges the Minnesota SQT (MNSQT) version 2.0 and the beta version of Wisconsin SQT (WISQT) to create a single tool for quantifying functional change on streams throughout the two states.