Special Notices

  • WiL5R NOA Draft EA PN Time Extension 2 20240726 final

    Expiration date: 7/26/2024

    On May 20, 2024, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, St Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) published for comment a Draft Environmental Assessment, Draft Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines Evaluation, and Draft Public Interest Review, hereafter referred to as the Draft Combined Decision Document (DCDD). This notice hereby announces the Corps decision to extend the comment period, which began on 20 May 2024. The public comment period will expire at the end of the day on 30 August 2024. This action has been taken to ensure that sufficient opportunity is provided to the public to consider and submit comments regarding the Corps federal action. This is the second time extension granted since the Corps published the DCDD. The first-time extension was granted on 07 June 2024, and was based upon public request. This second time extension has been offered by the Corps to ensure the public has sufficient time to review the following information, uploaded or updated since 20 May 2024:

  • Special Public Notice for Wisconsin Guidelines, Version 2

    Expiration date: 8/14/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Wisconsin DNR) are announcing the release of the draft Wisconsin Guidelines, Version 2 (Wisconsin Guidelines). The agencies have developed the Wisconsin Guidelines as two documents, one tailored for sponsors titled Procedures for Developing Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Sites in Wisconsin and the second for applicants/permittees titled Procedures for Project Proponents on Compensatory Mitigation Requirements in Wisconsin. The agencies previously solicited feedback on the draft outlines for both procedures on May 24, 2023, and hosted a listening session on July 6, 2023.

  • Special Public Notice

    Expiration date: 8/12/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program has launched its beta version of the national Regulatory Request System, or RRS. During the initial phases of the RRS rollout, our regulatory process in the St. Paul District remains unchanged. We will be collaborating closely with our state permitting agencies and will continue to keep the public informed of any changes in permit application procedures that may arise during the RRS rollout.

  • Enbridge Line 5 Wisconsin Segment Relocation Project Hearing Public Notice

    The Corps will conduct a public hearing on June 4th, 2024. The public hearing will be held at the Northwood Technical College, located at 2100 Beaser Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. CST.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: SUPPLEMENTED REGIONAL GENERAL PERMITS IN MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN, AND FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED AMERICAN INDIAN RESERVATIONS - This notice announces the availability of six regional general permits (RGPs) for use within the Lake Superior Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) previously excluded as part of the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401(a)(2) process (401(a)(2) process). The six RGPs are now available for use in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and within the exterior boundaries of Federally recognized American Indian reservations in both states without exception.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) is announcing the release of the beta version of the Wisconsin Stream Quantification Tool (WISQT) and Debit Calculator. We are requesting comments on these tools prior to finalizing them and releasing Version 1.0. We expect to collect comments for 60 days and then publish Version 1.0 in late 2023 or early 2024.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District (Corps) recently began an update of the joint 2013 Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin. We have developed draft outlines for the next version and are seeking public input on the outlines as well as additional information we should consider addressing in the next version. To facilitate meaningful comment, we are also seeking individuals who are currently active in the development or use of compensatory mitigation in Wisconsin who are interested in participating in a listening session. We will host the session July 6, 2023, and determine exact time and location based on interest. We are currently considering making this a virtual session. The session will aim to gather feedback from the mitigation community on crucial mitigation issues that need our clarification, with a specific focus on topics to include in the outlines and information needs or gaps that existed in the 2013 version of the Guidelines. If you are interested in the session, please register in advance by sending your name, organization, contact information, and whether you are primarily a mitigation provider or mitigation purchaser to Leslie Day (leslie.e.day@usace.army.mil) on or before June 23, 2023.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) is announcing the release of its Stream Mitigation Procedures, Version 1.0 (Stream Procedures), applicable in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Corps will host an online outreach event on May 10, 2023, to review contents of the Stream Procedures and provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions about implementation of this document. The target audience is stakeholders, consultants, potential stream bankers, and other agencies. If you are interested in participating in this outreach event, please reach out to stpaulsqt@usace.army.mil to receive a calendar invitation. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, but unable to make the May session. We will hold additional outreach events later in the summer if there is demand.


    Expiration date: 2/18/2028

    Special Public Notice: This notice announces the effective date, February 20, 2023, for the eight regional general permits (RGPs) now available for use in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and within the exterior boundaries of American Indian reservations, subject to the Lake Superior basin exclusions described within each RGP. Regulated activities are described in each RGP pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and Section10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10) as applicable.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: REGIONAL GENERAL PERMITS IN THE STATES OF MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN, AND FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED AMERICAN INDIAN RESERVATIONS - This notice announces eight regional general permits (RGPs) for use in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and within the exterior boundaries of Federally recognized American Indian reservations in both states, subject to the Lake Superior basin exclusions shown in Table 1. The eight RGPs will be available to authorize regulated activities which meet the terms and conditions of the RGP beginning on February 20, 2023. Regulated activities are described in each RGP pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10).

Minnesota Special Public Notices

 2012 National Wetland Plant List
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Issued: 15 May 2012
Expires: N/A
 Adoption of the City of Sauk Rapids Comprehensive Wetland Protection and Management Plan
Notice: 2011-00350-RMM
Applicnt: City of Sauk Rapids
Location: City of Sauk Rapids
Issued: 09 November 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Barge Fleeting Permit Review
Type: Sec 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
Issued: 11 August 2011
Expires: N/A
 Federal Register Notice Announcing the Reissuance of the Nationwide Permits
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Final Midwest Regional Supplement (Version 2.0) to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 25 October 2010
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Final Regional Condition for Nationwide Permit 52 and Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determination Status for All Section 10 Nationwide Permits in Minnesota and Wisconsin
REFER TO: 2011-00768-MTV
Issued: 3 April 2012
Expires: N/A Informational
 Final St. Paul District Policy for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in MN
REFER TO: 2007-1101-SDE
Issued: 24 JAN 2009
Expires: N/A Informational
 Guidance on the Compensatory Mitigation Siting Sequence in Northeastern Minnesota (Wetland Bank Service Areas 1 and 2)
Issued: 9 March 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Implementation of the Final Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement To the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
 International Falls Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan (CWMP) - Final Technical Report
Type: Comprehensive Wetland Management Paln (CWMP)
Applicnt: City of International Falls
Issued: 16 December 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
 New Edition of Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin Posted on Website
Type: Informational
Issued: 12 April 2012
Expires: N/A
 Regional General Permit RGP-003-MN Reissuance


Type: Sec-404 Clean Water Act
Issued: 1 February 2012
Expires: 31 January 2017

Wisconsin Special Public Notices

Collapse All Expand All
 2012 National Wetland Plant List
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Issued: 15 May 2012
Expires: N/A
 Changes to the Distribution and Notification of Public Notices of Department of the Army Permits
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 08 June 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Final Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
 Final Regional Condition for Nationwide Permit 52 and Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determination Status for All Section 10 Nationwide Permits in Minnesota and Wisconsin
REFER TO: 2011-00768-MTV
Issued: 3 April 2012
Expires: N/A Informational
 Guidance on Design, Installation and Interpretation of Monitoring of Wells vor Wetland Hydrology Determinations

Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 28 March 2006
Expires: N/A - Informational

 Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-002-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: 404 Clean Water Act
Issued: 1 June 2011
Expires: 31 May 2016
 Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-003-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 31 December 2017
 Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-004-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 31 December 2017
 New Edition of Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin Posted on Website
Type: Informational
Issued: 12 April 2012
Expires: N/A
 Suspension and proposed revocation of regional General Permit GP-001-WI in the State of Wisconsin
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 7 February 2013

 United States Navy Restricted Area - Marinette Marine Corporation Shipyard
REFER TO: 2006-04211-LMK
Issued: 6 April 2012
Expires: N/A

 Version 1 of the Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin

Version 1 of the Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 01 August 2013