Special Notices

Minnesota Special Public Notices

Expand List item 7518Collapse List item 7518  2012 National Wetland Plant List
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Issued: 15 May 2012
Expires: N/A
Expand List item 7512Collapse List item 7512  Adoption of the City of Sauk Rapids Comprehensive Wetland Protection and Management Plan
Notice: 2011-00350-RMM
Applicnt: City of Sauk Rapids
Location: City of Sauk Rapids
Issued: 09 November 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7511Collapse List item 7511  Barge Fleeting Permit Review
Type: Sec 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
Issued: 11 August 2011
Expires: N/A
Expand List item 7507Collapse List item 7507  Federal Register Notice Announcing the Reissuance of the Nationwide Permits
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7509Collapse List item 7509  Final Midwest Regional Supplement (Version 2.0) to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 25 October 2010
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7516Collapse List item 7516  Final Regional Condition for Nationwide Permit 52 and Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determination Status for All Section 10 Nationwide Permits in Minnesota and Wisconsin
REFER TO: 2011-00768-MTV
Issued: 3 April 2012
Expires: N/A Informational
Expand List item 7515Collapse List item 7515  Final St. Paul District Policy for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in MN
REFER TO: 2007-1101-SDE
Issued: 24 JAN 2009
Expires: N/A Informational
Expand List item 7508Collapse List item 7508  Guidance on the Compensatory Mitigation Siting Sequence in Northeastern Minnesota (Wetland Bank Service Areas 1 and 2)
Issued: 9 March 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7519Collapse List item 7519  Implementation of the Final Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement To the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7513Collapse List item 7513  International Falls Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan (CWMP) - Final Technical Report
Type: Comprehensive Wetland Management Paln (CWMP)
Applicnt: City of International Falls
Issued: 16 December 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 7517Collapse List item 7517  New Edition of Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin Posted on Website
Type: Informational
Issued: 12 April 2012
Expires: N/A
Expand List item 7510Collapse List item 7510  Regional General Permit RGP-003-MN Reissuance


Type: Sec-404 Clean Water Act
Issued: 1 February 2012
Expires: 31 January 2017

Wisconsin Special Public Notices

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 8256Collapse List item 8256  2012 National Wetland Plant List
Minnesota and Wisconsin
Issued: 15 May 2012
Expires: N/A
Expand List item 8252Collapse List item 8252  Changes to the Distribution and Notification of Public Notices of Department of the Army Permits
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 08 June 2011
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 8248Collapse List item 8248  Final Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual
Issued: 22 February 2012
Expires: N/A - Informational
Expand List item 8253Collapse List item 8253  Final Regional Condition for Nationwide Permit 52 and Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Determination Status for All Section 10 Nationwide Permits in Minnesota and Wisconsin
REFER TO: 2011-00768-MTV
Issued: 3 April 2012
Expires: N/A Informational
Expand List item 8249Collapse List item 8249  Guidance on Design, Installation and Interpretation of Monitoring of Wells vor Wetland Hydrology Determinations

Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Location: Statewide in MN and WI
Issued: 28 March 2006
Expires: N/A - Informational

Expand List item 8251Collapse List item 8251  Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-002-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: 404 Clean Water Act
Issued: 1 June 2011
Expires: 31 May 2016
Expand List item 8258Collapse List item 8258  Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-003-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 31 December 2017
Expand List item 8257Collapse List item 8257  Issuance of Regional General Permit GP-004-WI in the state of Wisconsin except within the exterior boundaries of indian reservations
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 31 December 2017
Expand List item 8255Collapse List item 8255  New Edition of Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin Posted on Website
Type: Informational
Issued: 12 April 2012
Expires: N/A
Expand List item 8259Collapse List item 8259  Suspension and proposed revocation of regional General Permit GP-001-WI in the State of Wisconsin
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 9 January 2013
Expires: 7 February 2013

Expand List item 8254Collapse List item 8254  United States Navy Restricted Area - Marinette Marine Corporation Shipyard
REFER TO: 2006-04211-LMK
Issued: 6 April 2012
Expires: N/A

Expand List item 11546Collapse List item 11546  Version 1 of the Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin

Version 1 of the Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin
Type: Corps Regulatory Program
Issued: 01 August 2013