Public Notices - Minnesota and Wisconsin

Category: Compensatory Mitigation Activities
  • Zenanko Wetland Bank Public Notice

    Expiration date: 8/16/2024

    The sponsor’s objective for the project is to restore 13.2 acres of historic shallow marsh and fresh wet meadow wetlands onsite by removing drainage tiles, blocking to disable tiles, ditch blocking, and restoring diverted flows back into the wetland areas. In addition to generating wetland credits onsite, this restoration would reconnect the wetlands on site to the historical wetland complex to the west. Wetland functions that were lost when the site was historically converted to crop field would be restored. The site, if approved, would provide compensatory wetland mitigation credits that applicants for Department of the Army permits could purchase to offset unavoidable losses of wetland or stream functions. The sponsor states that this bank is needed as the wetland credit demand in this BSA is high.

  • Special Public Notice for Wisconsin Guidelines, Version 2

    Expiration date: 8/14/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Wisconsin DNR) are announcing the release of the draft Wisconsin Guidelines, Version 2 (Wisconsin Guidelines). The agencies have developed the Wisconsin Guidelines as two documents, one tailored for sponsors titled Procedures for Developing Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Sites in Wisconsin and the second for applicants/permittees titled Procedures for Project Proponents on Compensatory Mitigation Requirements in Wisconsin. The agencies previously solicited feedback on the draft outlines for both procedures on May 24, 2023, and hosted a listening session on July 6, 2023.

  • Mitigation Bank Public Notice for DCA Farms Bank LGRWRP

    Expiration date: 8/10/2024

    The sponsor is proposing to develop the DCA Farms LGRWRP bank in Renville County, Minnesota to generate wetland credits for BWSR’s LGRWRP. The proposed bank site is approximately 98.6 acres including upland buffer and bordered by adjacent farmland, Buffalo Creek, and rural residence. The proposed mitigation bank design concept includes disabling the subsurface drainage system, constructing an outlet structure, and minor grading to prevent erosion and protect adjacent properties.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District (Corps) recently began an update of the joint 2013 Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin. We have developed draft outlines for the next version and are seeking public input on the outlines as well as additional information we should consider addressing in the next version. To facilitate meaningful comment, we are also seeking individuals who are currently active in the development or use of compensatory mitigation in Wisconsin who are interested in participating in a listening session. We will host the session July 6, 2023, and determine exact time and location based on interest. We are currently considering making this a virtual session. The session will aim to gather feedback from the mitigation community on crucial mitigation issues that need our clarification, with a specific focus on topics to include in the outlines and information needs or gaps that existed in the 2013 version of the Guidelines. If you are interested in the session, please register in advance by sending your name, organization, contact information, and whether you are primarily a mitigation provider or mitigation purchaser to Leslie Day ( on or before June 23, 2023.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) is announcing the release of its Stream Mitigation Procedures, Version 1.0 (Stream Procedures), applicable in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Corps will host an online outreach event on May 10, 2023, to review contents of the Stream Procedures and provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions about implementation of this document. The target audience is stakeholders, consultants, potential stream bankers, and other agencies. If you are interested in participating in this outreach event, please reach out to to receive a calendar invitation. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, but unable to make the May session. We will hold additional outreach events later in the summer if there is demand.

  • Credit Release Schedule Flexibility for Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu Fee Sites

    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District (Corps) is sharing information to describe the flexibility related to credit releases associated with meeting hydrology performance standards at mitigation bank and in-lieu fee (ILF) sites.