Public Notices - Minnesota and Wisconsin

Category: Compensatory Mitigation Activities

    Expiration date: 2/20/2025

    According to the sponsor, there are approximately 115 available for use by the public within BSA 7. BSA 7 is most active wetland credit market in the state and the current inventory will likely be exhausted in two to three years based on historical averages. Additional wetland banks are needed to ensure a cost-effective and reliable source of credits in the future. BSA 7 is the most active service area in Minnesota with average annual credit demand of 57 credits per year for the period 2016 through 2020 (not including MnDOT and BWSR Road Program withdrawals). In 2021 and 2022, the credit use was well above this average and the BSA experienced a net loss of credits (more credits withdrawn than deposited). Assuming the amount of development and investment in infrastructure continues for the next several years there will be a shortage of wetland credits in this BSA as inventory is used up at a faster rate than it is replaced. The credits from the Mille Lacs Meadows West Wetland Bank combined with those forecasted from the Mille Lacs Meadow North and South banks will replenish the supply of credits in this BSA and provide stability to the market over the next five to ten years.

  • Dover Wetland and Stream Bank

    Expiration date: 2/20/2025

    The proposed bank is located within a WCA classified wetland region containing less than 50% of pre-statehood wetlands and significantly degraded streams. The sponsor proposes the project to restore wetland and stream conditions within the site, thereby increasing habitat diversity, providing refuge for locally important fish and wildlife, improving water quality through improved floodplain connectivity, and improving overall watershed conditions within the Whitewater watershed. The goal of the project is to restore wetland hydrology from pattern tiled agricultural fields as well as perform a Priority 2 stream restoration to restore a self-sustaining, high functioning wetland/stream complex.


    Expiration date: 2/7/2025

    The sponsor is proposing to modify the Clay 137 bank to expand the conservation easement in order to encompass and receive credit for additional wetland area that developed as a result of the restoration activities. In 1997, the sponsor restored hydrology of eleven wetland basins by blocking drainages and planted native seeds within the wetland basins to improve the floristic quality of the wetlands. In 2001, the sponsor restored the hydrology of two additional wetland basins on his property by blocking drainages and planted native seed in these basins to improve floristic diversity in these wetlands. An easement was placed over the wetland basins in, protecting these wetland basins in perpetuity.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District (Corps) recently began an update of the joint 2013 Guidelines for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin. We have developed draft outlines for the next version and are seeking public input on the outlines as well as additional information we should consider addressing in the next version. To facilitate meaningful comment, we are also seeking individuals who are currently active in the development or use of compensatory mitigation in Wisconsin who are interested in participating in a listening session. We will host the session July 6, 2023, and determine exact time and location based on interest. We are currently considering making this a virtual session. The session will aim to gather feedback from the mitigation community on crucial mitigation issues that need our clarification, with a specific focus on topics to include in the outlines and information needs or gaps that existed in the 2013 version of the Guidelines. If you are interested in the session, please register in advance by sending your name, organization, contact information, and whether you are primarily a mitigation provider or mitigation purchaser to Leslie Day ( on or before June 23, 2023.


    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District Regulatory Division (Corps) is announcing the release of its Stream Mitigation Procedures, Version 1.0 (Stream Procedures), applicable in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Corps will host an online outreach event on May 10, 2023, to review contents of the Stream Procedures and provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions about implementation of this document. The target audience is stakeholders, consultants, potential stream bankers, and other agencies. If you are interested in participating in this outreach event, please reach out to to receive a calendar invitation. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, but unable to make the May session. We will hold additional outreach events later in the summer if there is demand.

  • Credit Release Schedule Flexibility for Mitigation Bank and In-Lieu Fee Sites

    SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District (Corps) is sharing information to describe the flexibility related to credit releases associated with meeting hydrology performance standards at mitigation bank and in-lieu fee (ILF) sites.