Public Notices - Minnesota and Wisconsin

Special Public Notice - Acceptance of Funds from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation

US Army Corps of Engineers, Saint Paul District
Published March 20, 2024

The District’s acceptance of funds is expected to expediate the processing of WisDOT DA permit applications in the St. Paul District in accordance with the provisions of Section 214. Funds will be expended primarily on the direct labor and overhead of Corps personnel evaluating DA permits.
To ensure that the funds will not impact impartial decision-making, the following procedures will apply:
a. All final permit/permission decisions, including general permit verifications, will be reviewed and signed by at least one level above the decision-maker.
b. All documents involved in the decision-making process must be reviewed and signed by the one-level-above reviewer as defined above.
c. All jurisdictional determinations made on projects where funds are used must have documentation that a non-funded Regulator reviewed and agreed with the determination.
d. All final permit/permission decisions, including all general permit verifications, for cases where these funds are used will be made available and updated monthly on the District’s web page in an area separate from any other final actions, clearly identifiable as being for projects funded through this authority.
e. Any procedures or decisions that would otherwise be required for a specific type of project or permit under consideration cannot be eliminated; however, process improvements that are developed can be shared in order for all members of the regulated public to benefit.
f. The District must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
g. Funds will not be expended for the decision maker’s review of material or final decisions.
h. Funds will not be used for enforcement activities.