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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
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Corps seeks public comment on Sheldon streambank protection project

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published Jan. 29, 2021

ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, seeks comments on a draft feasibility report and environmental assessment for the proposed Sheldon Road Bridge streambank protection project near Sheldon, North Dakota.

The proposed project will place approximately 2,400 cubic yards of fill along 270 feet of the Sheyenne River streambank. The project has a total cost of approximately $800,000, of which 65 percent will be federally funded through the Corps of Engineers.

“The Sheldon Road Bridge project is a great example of partnership between the Corps and communities within the District,” said Michelle Prosser, project manager. “This project will stabilize the bank of the Sheyenne River at Sheldon Road, which will result in the protection of the structural integrity of the bridge and allow the continued usage of this roadway.”

A draft Environmental Assessment that describes the project and the environmental impacts in detail is available to the public and can be viewed and downloaded from the St. Paul District website at:

The public review period will end March 1, 2021. Questions on the project can be directed to Nick Thorson, regional planner, at (309) 794-5349 or at Please address all formal written correspondence on this project, including any formal comments on the draft Environmental Assessment, to District Engineer, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Regional Planning and Environment Division North, 180 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1638.

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Release no. 21-008