The overall objective of this study is to identify and prioritize feasible alternatives that reduce the frequency and duration of interstate and state highway closures due to flooding of the Red River of the North. The Interstate and State Highway closures caused by flooding have had a substantial effect on both transportation agencies and users, forcing travelers to follow lengthy detours, limiting access across the region, and requiring roadway monitoring, cleanup, and repairs. By identifying and prioritizing feasible alternatives to reduce flood-related interstate and state highway closures, the resources needed to respond to flood events and the regional impact of flooding can be mitigated.
The study area is anticipated to extend from approximately Grand Forks, North Dakota, to the Canadian Border along the Red River of the North.
The North Dakota and Minnesota Departments of Transportation (DOT) requested that a comprehensive water resource plan to identify and prioritize feasible alternatives to reduce the frequency and duration of road closures due to flooding of the Red River of the North.
The study will evaluate existing conditions to establish a baseline understanding of the flooding impacts of the study area along the Red River. The study will identify and evaluate alternatives and mitigation strategies to alleviate impacts of flooding on interstate and state highways within the region. The hydraulic model extent will cover the transportation corridors of interest and set boundary conditions further in the watershed to reduce impacts of boundary condition effects. The Corps of Engineers will leverage Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) one-dimensional/ two-dimensional (1D/2D) unsteady models that were developed as part the Lower Red River Basin Retention Study (USACE 2021b). Three separate HEC- RAS models were developed as part of that study, and the two northernmost models will be used and combined for this current study: (1) Grand Forks to Drayton, North Dakota, and (2) Drayton, North Dakota, to Letellier, Manitoba. The exact limits of the study area will be refined as part of the hydraulic modeling and analysis performed by the Corps of Engineers.
A partnership agreement was executed between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the sponsors (North Dakota DOT and Minnesota DOT) in July 2024. The sponsors will meet all or a portion of their cost-share requirements through matching funds.
Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93‒251), as amended. The study is being conducted under the Corps’ Planning Assistance to States (PAS) program, following the 50/50 cost-share formula with the non-federal sponsor. The sponsor may contribute additional funds beyond this formula.
The following is a summary of the funds required for the Northern Red River Flood Study PAS Project. North Dakota and Minnesota are each providing $257,474 to equal the total cost share partners funds:
Total Study Cost $1,029,896
Total Federal Funds $514,948
Total Cost Share Partners Funds $514,948