Minnesota River Dredged Material Management Plan

The Minnesota River Dredged Material Management Plan is a comprehensive, long-term plan for managing dredging and placement site requirements on the Minnesota River. It is developed and implemented to satisfy the long-term placement needs for Corps' navigation projects.

Several issues surfaced in 1998 concerning the Minnesota River including lack of capacity at a historically-used placement site, lack of adequate placement sites for privately-owned terminal dredged material, and complaints from the navigation industry on channel conditions. The Corps was concerned with these issues and initiated development of a comprehensive plan for the Minnesota River to address all dredging requirements, both private and federal.

An estimated 1.2 million cubic yards of material will be dredged from the navigation channel and private barge slips (669,600 cubic yards and 486,800 cubic yards respectively) during the next 27 years. Dredged material would be periodically placed at two sites: the Cargill East River site and the Kraemer site. Material placed at these sites would be removed for beneficial use, restoring the capacity of the sites.

Minnesota River Dredged Material Management Plan (PDF)