Archive: 2020
  • December

    Crosscurrents Winter 2020 is now available

    The winter 2020 edition of Crosscurrents is now available.
  • September

    Local Government Liaisons reach the hearts of communities

    Often during disaster response, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Planning and Response Teams such as, temporary emergency power, debris removal and Operation Blue Roof are the Corps activities in the limelight; however, the little-known and little-seen Local Government Liaison, or LGL, national cadre is operating in the background, providing a critical lifeline of communication between Federal Emergency Management Agency, the state, local officials, and the Corps.
  • Corps installs 5,000th blue roof on one month anniversary of hurricane’s landfall

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commemorated the one month anniversary of Hurricane Laura making landfall with the installation of the 5,000th roof as part of Operation Blue Roof in southwest Louisiana.
  • Corps continues march toward diversion completion

    With every swing of a hammer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, continues its progress toward completing the Fargo – Moorhead Metro Diversion Flood Risk Management Project.
  • July

    Construction reaches new heights on Red River of the North project

    Construction is literally reaching new heights this summer on the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project.
  • April

    Corps inspects facilities across Minnesota and eastern North Dakota for potential community alternate care sites

    ST. PAUL, Minn. –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is performing site inspections across Minnesota and eastern North Dakota to support a nationwide FEMA mission assignment to convert existing large spaces into community alternate care sites to augment COVID-19 response efforts.
  • March

    Lock and dam tow rail systems get upgrades

    The St. Paul District is investing more than $18 million in the tow rail system, vital pieces of equipment which assists tows locking through lock and dams when traveling upriver.
  • The Corps Environment February 2020

    This edition highlights partnership and collaboration, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #6. Content includes commentary from Ms. Stacey Brown, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning and Policy Division Chief, and highlights a variety of projects and initiatives across the enterprise.
  • Memo from the Director of Contracting re: COVID-19

    For USACE Contractors, As the Director of Contracting for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, I wanted to personally reach out to all of you and let you know that we are actively monitoring the situation in regards to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Attached is the guidance we received on planning for potential Novel Coronavirus Contract Impacts.