Contact Public Affairs

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
Fax: (651) 290-5752 


Tag: flood risk management
  • July

    Construction reaches new heights on Red River of the North project

    Construction is literally reaching new heights this summer on the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project.
  • October

    History of the Headwaters Recreation Areas

    The Mississippi River Headwaters dams, located in north central Minnesota, were constructed and placed in operation between 1884 and 1912. Maj. General Warren, the first St. Paul District commander, noted the importance of the Mississippi River Headwaters area during field surveys in the 1860s. Less than 10 years later, Congress authorized a feasibility study to determine whether a series of dams and reservoirs could aid in stabilizing water flow in the Mississippi River between St. Paul, Minnesota, and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. As a result, a system of dams capable of raising water levels and storing annual spring runoff from six existing lake systems was designated. These structures are located at the outlets of Gull Lake, Leech Lake, Big Sandy Lake, Cross Lake, Pokegama Lake and Lake Winnibigoshish. Two of these lakes, Leech and Winnibigoshish, are located within the Leech Lake Indian Reservation.
  • Red River Flood of 2009

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, declared a victory late April 2009 after facing massive flooding in the Red River of the North river valley for more than a month-and-a-half. By the end of the fight, the district had distributed 11.3 million sandbags, 4,201 rolls of plastic and 136 pumps, as well as let 50 contracts, built approximately 70 miles of emergency levee and spent more than $32 million.
  • Floods of 1997

    The St. Paul District faced one of its biggest challenges ever when, in the timeframe of around six weeks in 1997, it simultaneously fought floods in three river basins – the Red, the Minnesota and the Mississippi.
  • August

    Division commander visits North Dakota projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Mississippi Valley Division Commander Maj. Gen. Michael Wehr and St. Paul District Commander Col. Dan Koprowski visited the cities of Minot and Devils Lake, North Dakota, July 6-8, to meet with members of Congress, state and local officials and to see Corps projects in the region.
  • Roseau flood project dedicated

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, celebrated the completion of its Roseau, Minnesota, Flood Damage Reduction Project with a ribbon cutting ceremony in Roseau, Aug. 18.
  • January

    Roseau flood protection nears finish line

    Working up to seven days a week, excavators move 50,000 to 70,000 cubic yards of material a week as contractors work through the winter months to complete the Roseau, Minnesota, flood risk management project.
  • September

    Commanders tour, dedicate North Dakota project

    North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple and Mississippi Valley Division Commander Maj. Gen. John Peabody dedicated the district’s Tolna Coulee project with a ribbon cutting ceremony July 19. The ceremony was part of a three-day North Dakota tour undertaken by Peabody July 17-19, which also included attending a Devils Lake Executive Committee meeting in Bismarck, N.D., and making stops in Devils Lake, N.D., Minot, N.D., and Valley City, N.D.
  • April

    District, Valley City, N.D., sign agreement, marking the beginning of a feasibility study along the Sheyenne River

    The district kicked off the Valley City, Sheyenne River Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study during a signing ceremony in Valley City, N.D., April 10. Col. Michael Price, district commander, and Valley City Mayor Bob Werkhoven signed the cost-sharing agreement in front of local officials and the media to mark the beginning of this $1.5 million study that is expected to take 2 1/2 years to complete.
  • March

    Silver Jackets support district, communities

    During a flood disaster, first responders often arrive wearing distinctively colored coats etched with their agency’s name. While the colors and acronyms can be many, one group is working to build a bridge of cooperation among the various federal, state and local government agencies tasked with responding to a flood.
  • February

    Despite winter conditions, the district continues Tolna Coulee outlet construction

    Amid rolling hills and a lake that continues invading communities in central North Dakota, lies a control structure here that the district is building to prevent catastrophic erosion.
  • Gull Lake park rangers use teamwork to prepare for summer

    The Gull Lake Recreation Area, just north of Brainerd, Minn., has served as a district flood control project for the past 100 years. While the dam regulates the water levels on the chain of lakes, the park rangers that oversee the dam’s operations and maintenance take care of more than just the gate adjustments.