Contact Public Affairs

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
Fax: (651) 290-5752 


Author: Vanessa Hamer
  • October

    Blackhawk Park site of battle

    A lone marker recognizing sacred ground stands at Blackhawk Park, located near DeSoto, Wis. Every year Native American groups visit the park and the surrounding area to pay respect and remember a past. The inscripted stone marks where one of the last Indian-American battles east of the Mississippi River occurred more than 180 years past.
  • February

    Peak looks to help people returning from high stress deployments

    “Pick up a pencil with your opposite hand,” said Jim Peak, chief of construction. “Now, write your name with it. How does it feel?”
  • September

    Bosse navigation charts in the new century

    As commercial navigation becomes more dependent upon electronic technology, the use of paper navigation charts like the hand written ones completed by Henry Bosse in the early 1900s and used on the Dredge Thomson until 2005 are becoming a thing of the past.
  • February

    Old techniques record annual ice measurement changes in Lake Pepin

    In preparation for the navigation season, the district’s Fountain City, Wis., survey crew began annual Lake Pepin ice measurements Feb. 15.
  • Environmental Management Program reaches 25 years

    The Pool 8 Islands construction project on the Upper Mississippi River near Brownsville, Minn., is scheduled for completion this summer and the first stage of construction at Capoli Slough, downstream of Lansing, Iowa, is scheduled to start this spring. Both projects are part of the Upper Mississippi River Restoration-Environmental Management Program, known as the EMP.
  • January

    District dewaters lock and dam for maintenance

    The lack of ice and the presence of standing water at the bottom of Lock and Dam 7’s dewatered chamber near La Crosse, Wis., marks a drastic change from last year’s routine winter maintenance, when often times work was done during below zero temperatures. This year, with warmer than normal weather, everything is easier than normal, said Scott Uhl, the crew’s foreman. The improved weather conditions have helped the maintenance and repair crew from Fountain City, Wis., to get slightly ahead of schedule.
  • Marsh Lake aquatic ecosystem restoration project receives Corps of Engineers Chief’s approval

    Marsh Lake’s ecosystem restoration project located near Appleton, Minn., is shaping up to be one of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, or DNR, top projects in the state, said Dave Trauba, Marsh Lake area wildlife operations manager.