Contact Public Affairs

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
Fax: (651) 290-5752 


Author: Shannon Bauer
  • April

    Corps of Engineers breaks ground on Fargo-Moorhead flood risk management project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, and the Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Board of Authority hosted a 1997 Flood Commemoration and Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project April 17.
  • October

    Dredge Goetz

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, uses the Dredge William L. Goetz to help maintain 850 miles of the Upper Mississippi River, 335 miles of the Illinois River and other inland rivers. The St. Paul District acquired it in the spring of 2005.
  • Red River Flood of 2009

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, declared a victory late April 2009 after facing massive flooding in the Red River of the North river valley for more than a month-and-a-half. By the end of the fight, the district had distributed 11.3 million sandbags, 4,201 rolls of plastic and 136 pumps, as well as let 50 contracts, built approximately 70 miles of emergency levee and spent more than $32 million.
  • Floods of 1997

    The St. Paul District faced one of its biggest challenges ever when, in the timeframe of around six weeks in 1997, it simultaneously fought floods in three river basins – the Red, the Minnesota and the Mississippi.
  • Mission complete: District cuts the ribbon at the Roseau, Minnesota, project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, celebrated the completion of its Roseau, Minnesota, Flood Damage Reduction Project with a ribbon cutting ceremony in Roseau, Aug. 18.
  • Bostick visits the St. Paul District

    The Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick made a whirlwind visit to the St. Paul District, Sept. 1-2.
  • August

    Roseau flood project dedicated

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, celebrated the completion of its Roseau, Minnesota, Flood Damage Reduction Project with a ribbon cutting ceremony in Roseau, Aug. 18.
  • May

    Watershed planning offers hope to challenging problems

    The district recently finished one of its first comprehensive watershed reports, the Sunrise Watershed Study, solely for environmental purposes and the benefit of watershed managers.
  • Regulatory 101: Science, people and America’s waters

    “When everybody is equally unhappy, we probably did our job right,” joked Tamara Cameron, regulatory branch chief. “Nobody ever says, ‘Thank you for making me get this permit.’
  • March

    Corps retires Grand Forks, N.D., office

    After more than 15 years of maintaining a presence in Grand Forks, N.D., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers closed its doors recently.
  • October

    Mississippi River Commission visits the district, gains a basin understanding

    The Motor Vessel MISSISSIPPI made an appearance in the St. Paul District Aug. 9 to 12 as part of the
  • Team nears finish line on Devils Lake, N.D., emergency work

    The St. Paul District will substantially complete its emergency flood risk management project in
  • September

    District foresters turn island into large Petri dish

    The district recently finished a three-year reforestation project with a massive planting of 7,000 trees. The Gores Reforestation Project is intended to enhance wildlife habitat and manage invasive species on a Mississippi River island located near Red Wing, Minn., which is public land managed by the Corps. Reed canary grass, an invasive, has slowly been taking over this island.
  • Visitors get hands-on opportunity during Lock and Dam 1 open house

    The St. Paul District hosted its annual open house at Lock and Dam 1 in Minneapolis in conjunction with the annual Highland Fest, celebrated by the St. Paul, Minn., Highland neighborhood, July 19.
  • April

    Heckendorf finds travel, learning opportunities while working in Brazil

    Geotechnical engineer Kurt Heckendorf recently returned from a six-month trip to Brasilia, the capitol of Brazil, where he lived and worked alongside the local population.
  • February

    District finds opportunity during drought, completes repair work at Minneapolis lock

    Drought isn’t all bad. Low flows on the Upper Mississippi River provided the district an opportunity
  • November

    Corps of Engineers will close Lock and Dam 6 this winter for maintenance work

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is closing Lock and Dam 6, near Trempealeau,
  • June

    Dredge Thompson journeys to its new home

    District employees and retirees, river residents and those affectionately known as river rats lined
  • May

    Division chief uses national team membership to write national policy, help district

    It’s not every day a district employee gets to be involved with creating national policy. Michael Bart, the district’s chief of engineering and construction, was given that opportunity starting in September 2007, when he was asked to serve as the team lead of the Corps’ new Levee Safety Policy and Procedures Team. He had just finished a seven-month assignment at the Corps’ Hurricane Protection Office in New Orleans as the deputy for execution support and had been assisting with the Corps’ Dam Safety Program for a couple of years when he agreed to serve in this role.
  • April

    District, Valley City, N.D., sign agreement, marking the beginning of a feasibility study along the Sheyenne River

    The district kicked off the Valley City, Sheyenne River Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study during a signing ceremony in Valley City, N.D., April 10. Col. Michael Price, district commander, and Valley City Mayor Bob Werkhoven signed the cost-sharing agreement in front of local officials and the media to mark the beginning of this $1.5 million study that is expected to take 2 1/2 years to complete.