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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
Fax: (651) 290-5752 


St. Paul District Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet 01: St. Paul District Highlights

Colonel Eric R. Swenson assumed command of the St. Paul District July 28, 2022, becoming the district’s 67th commander and district engineer.
Published: 3/23/2015

Fact Sheet 02: St. Paul District

The St. Paul District is where the “Mighty Mississippi River” starts its long journey through the middle of the United States of America to the Gulf of Mexico. The district borders follow the edges of four river basins – the Mississippi River, the Red River of the North, the Souris River and the Rainy River – and covers an area of approximately 139,000 square miles. This area includes most of Minnesota, the western half of Wisconsin, the northeastern half of North Dakota and small portions of northeastern South Dakota and northeastern Iowa. The district also shares approximately 500 miles of border with three Canadian provinces.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 03: St. Paul District Missions

Emergency Operations & Disaster Response The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers executes and delivers vital public emergency services to strengthen our nation’s ability to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters or other emergencies within the United States and its territories. The Corps may provide technical assistance and, in instances where the nature of the disaster exceeds the capabilities of state, local or Tribal interests, the Corps may provide direct assistance to save human life, prevent immediate human suffering or mitigate property damage.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 04: St. Paul District History

“The history of the St. Paul District is the history of the Upper Midwest and its growth over more than a century. When the district was established in 1866, there was a crucial need to prevent the disintegration of the Falls of St. Anthony, and, with it, the commercial importance of the Minneapolis milling center. After solving that engineering problem, the district saw and influenced the growth and demise of the lumber industry, the rise of the flour industry, the development and operation of Yellowstone National Park, the change from steamboats to diesel powered towboats on the Mississippi, the first flood risk management and hydroelectric power projects in the nation and, in most recent years, the creation of a very popular outdoor recreation program. No stranger to controversy, the district, has, nevertheless, strived to respond to the needs of this important region.” -Col. (Retired) Forrest T. Gay, III, 49th District Engineer, St. Paul District
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 05: Disaster and Emergency Response

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers executes and delivers vital public emergency services to strengthen our nation’s ability to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters or other emergencies within the United States and its territories. Emergency preparedness and response is primarily a local responsibility; however, the Corps may provide technical assistance and in instances when the nature of the disaster exceeds the capabilities of a state or Tribal interest, the Corps may provide direct assistance to save human life, prevent immediate human suffering or mitigate property damage.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 06: Flood Risk Management

Emergency Bank Protection Section 14 of the 1946 Flood Control Act, as amended, permits the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct bank protection projects. The work must be to protect endangered highways, bridge approaches and other essential public works, such as municipal water supply systems and sewage disposal plants, churches, hospitals, schools and other nonprofit public services and known cultural sites endangered by flood-caused erosion. Work can be done for endangered habitat, too. The repair, restoration and/or modification of the eroding stream banks is also allowed. Section 14 covers only protection of important and essential public facilities serving the public. In addition to highway systems of national importance, eligible highways may also include streets and roads of importance to the local community.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 07: Emergency Bank Protection

Section 14 of the 1946 Flood Control Act, as amended, permits construction of bank protection works to protect endangered highways, highway bridge approaches and other essential, important public works such as municipal water supply systems and sewage disposal plants; churches, hospitals, schools and other nonprofit public services; and known cultural sites that are endangered by flood-caused bank or shoreline erosion. Repair, restoration and/or modification of the eroding streambank is allowed. Procedures followed for Section 14 projects are designed to expedite implementation.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 08: Flood Plain Management

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Plain Management Services Program is authorized by Section 206 of the Flood Control Act of the 1960, as amended. Under this program, the Corps is authorized, upon request by other federal, non-federal, local entities or tribes, to provide a full range of technical services and planning guidance on floods and floodplain issues.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 09: Small Flood Control Projects

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has the authority, provided by Section 205 of the 1948 Flood Control Act, as amended, to plan, design and construct certain small flood control projects that have not already been specifically authorized by Congress. Both structural (levees, channels, or dams, for instance) and nonstructural (flood proofing or evacuation, for example) solutions are considered.
Published: 5/7/2015

Fact Sheet 10: Planning Assistance to States and Tribes

The Planning Assistance to States and Tribes Program is authorized by Section 22 of the 1974 Water Resources Development Act, as amended in 1990 and 2007. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is authorized to use its technical expertise in water and related land resource management to help states, federally recognized tribes. local government, and other non-federal entities with their water resource problems. Upon written request, the Corps will cooperate with these entities to prepare plans for the development, use, and conservation of water and related land resources within their bounds.
Published: 8/12/2015

Fact Sheet 11: Silver Jackets

Silver Jackets teams are collaborative state-led interagency teams, continuously working together to reduce flood risk at the state level. Through the Silver Jackets program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and additional federal, state and sometimes local and Tribal agencies provide a unified approach to addressing a state’s priorities.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 12: Navigation

Navigation is travel or transportation over water. Many products we use today are transported by vessels on inland waterways. Towboats push barges loaded with products such as grain, coal and petroleum up and down rivers to loading and unloading facilities. The use of barges as opposed to semis produces around 90% less greenhouse gas emissions.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 13: Comparing Navigation

Water Transportation Roughly 25% of all waterborne commerce in the U.S. and 92% of the nation’s agricultural exports take place on the Mississippi River, the fourth largest river in the world.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 14: Environmental Programs

One of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ critical missions is to strive for environmental sustainability. The St. Paul District recognizes the interdependence of life and the importance of the physical environment and proactively considers environmental consequences of its programs. Our goal is to seek balance and synergy among human development and natural systems by designing economic and environmental-friendly solutions that reinforce one another. Our environmental programs focus on the key areas of ecosystem preservation, restoration and protection.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 15: Regulatory Program

The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s regulatory program is to protect the nation’s aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for construction activities occurring in the nation’s waters and wetlands. Corps permits are also necessary for any work in the nation’s navigable waters.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 16: Mississippi River Commission

Following several decades of constitutional squabbles, engineering disputes and regional bickering dating back to the early 1800s, Congress recognized the need to harmonize river improvements through a central organization. On June 28, 1879, the federal legislature, assisted by the efforts of a congressional coalition of navigation and flood-control interests, established the Mississippi River Commission as an executive body.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 17: Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration (Sec. 206)

Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 provides authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to undertake restoration projects in aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes and wetlands. The Corps evaluates projects that benefit the environment through restoring, improving or protecting aquatic habitat for plants, fish and wildlife.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 18: Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program

River Restoration Program The Upper Mississippi River System consists of 1,300 miles of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers and several major tributaries. Prior to 1866, the Upper Mississippi River was largely natural, twisting and turning across the wide river valley with numerous islands, side channels and backwaters. In 1866, the 4-foot channel project was the first of several projects to improve conditions for navigation. The locks and dams were built in the 1930s to maintain a 9-foot shipping channel. For many years, the navigation pools created by the locks and dams supported a wealth of fish, wildlife and aquatic habitat. However, the value of this habitat gradually declined due to erosion and sedimentation. Aquatic plant beds diminished in size, and habitat diversity declined.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 19: Habitat Restoration (Sec. 1135)

Habitat Restoration The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has the authority, provided by Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended, to plan, design and construct fish and wildlife habitat restoration measures. To be eligible for consideration, restoration measures must involve modification of the structures or operations of a project constructed by the Corps of Engineers or modification of an off-project site when it is found that the Corps project has contributed to the degradation of the environment.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 20: Environmental Section

It is the policy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, to apply principles of good environmental stewardship to the natural and cultural resources located on Corps administered federal lands.
Published: 5/8/2015

Fact Sheet 21: Recreation

It is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ mission to provide quality, public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations while being consistent with ecosystem management principles. As stewards of public lands, the St. Paul District has a special responsibility to assure resource accessibility for today and tomorrow while providing high quality outdoor recreational opportunities for all. The St. Paul District operates 49 recreation areas, ranging from public landings along the Mississippi River to lock and dam visitor centers to full-service campgrounds. These recreation areas are an important component of the region’s tourism industry, and the impact on the local and regional economies is significant. These sites see an average of 2.3 million visitors annual $79 million for the local and regional economy.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 22: Recreation Sites

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the largest federal provider of water-based outdoor recreation in the nation. Our recreation sites provide a diverse range of outdoor activities that promote a healthy lifestyle to millions of people every year. We are committed to providing a safe, fun and secure experience for all of our visitors.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 23: Firewood Policy

It is the policy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, to support and contribute toward the efforts of state and other federal agencies to impede the movement of invasive species by the transport of firewood.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 24: Water Management

Maintaining the region’s water resources for maximum economic and environmental benefit is a full-time endeavor for the St. Paul District. Congress mandates the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintain a 9-foot navigation channel on the Mississippi River and manage water levels at each of its projects on a daily basis.
Published: 5/27/2022

Fact Sheet 25: Regulating Mississippi River Navigation Pools

Historical Background Improving navigation on the Mississippi River began as early as 1824. In 1878, the U.S. Congress authorized the first comprehensive project on the upper river: a 4 1/2-foot channel. This was followed by authorizations for a 6-foot channel in 1907 and the current 9-foot channel in 1928. To achieve the 9-foot channel in the Upper Mississippi River, the construction of a system of navigation locks and dams was authorized in 1930 and expanded in 1932, 1935, 1937, 1945 and 1958.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 26: Flood Terms

Cubic Feet per Second As the term implies, this is a common unit of flow measurement based on the number of cubic feet (12”X12”X12”) of water passing by a point in a second. It is abbreviated cfs. A flow rate of one cfs is equivalent to 449 gallons per minute.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 27: Levee Safety Program

Levees are man-made barriers along a water course constructed for the primary purpose of excluding flood waters from a portion of the floodplain (referred to as a “leveed area”) from a range of flood events. They provide tremendous benefits to communities, but with those benefits come risks. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Safety Program works to better understand, manage and reduce the flood risks associated with levees.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 28: Small Business Utilization

It is the policy of the United States government to provide maximum practicable contracting opportunities to small business. To that end, the St. Paul District’s small business program manager provides advice and guidance to the Corps’ acquisition community and the small business community for all acquisitions valued at more than $10,000.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 29: Fountain City Service Base

The Fountain City Service Base, located in Fountain City, Wisconsin, plays an essential role in supporting St. Paul District’s effort to maintain navigation on the Upper Mississippi River north of Guttenberg, Iowa. The Corps has used this facility for the construction, repair and maintenance of vessels and equipment used for river improvement projects for more than a century.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 30: Dredge Fleet

The St. Paul District’s dredge fleet is made up of three vessels to include the Dredge William L. Goetz, the Motor Vessel General Warren and the Quarters Boat Harold E. Taggatz. This fleet is used to assist in maintaining 850 miles of the Upper Mississippi River, 335 miles of the Illinois River and other inland rivers and typically is used to dredge 1 to 2 million cubic yards of sediment out of the 9-foot navigation channel each year. The fleet is based out of the district’s service base in Fountain City, Wisconsin.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 31: Harbor Dredging

Sedimentation in the harbors is caused by the normal cycle of silt movement, erosion from high water or heavy rains and changes in river currents. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is authorized by various pieces of legislation to dredge a number of harbors within its boundaries. Funding is occasionally provided to the Corps’ Civil Works Operations and Management Appropriation to do this.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 32: Minnesota and North Dakota Flood Control Projects

The Minnesota and North Dakota Flood Control Section staff is responsible for managing separately budgeted, multi-purpose water resource projects on four major river basins in eastern and north central North Dakota and western Minnesota. Resources managed include 16 dams and associated water management structures with an annual budget of approximately $4 million and 20 full-time and seasonal employees. The breakout between the sections is described below.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 33: Mississippi River Recreation and Eau Galle Lake Section

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides quality, public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations while being consistent with ecosystem management principles. In the St. Paul District, the Mississippi River Recreation and Eau Galle Lake Section Office is located in La Crescent, Minnesota. Responsibilities of this section include the management of public resources located on Corps-fee lands along approximately 243 river miles within the Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Navigation Channel Project from Minneapolis to Guttenberg, Iowa. The Eau Galle Lake Recreation Area is also part of the Mississippi River Recreation Section and serves as a flood control project with recreational opportunities in Spring Valley, Wisconsin.
Published: 5/11/2015

Fact Sheet 34: Mississippi River Headwaters Project Office

The Headwaters Lakes Project, located in north central Minnesota, consists of six dams which control a watershed area covering 4,535 square miles. Originally authorized for the purpose of navigation, the Headwaters Project is now considered a multi-purpose project that includes flood risk reduction, recreation, water supply, fish and wildlife management, tribal trust, wild rice production and environmental stewardship. In addition to the Headwaters Lakes Project, the staff also manages Red Lake Dam, which controls the water level on Red Lake and has a watershed that encompasses approximately 6,000 square miles.
Published: 5/11/2015