Wetland types: Fens                                 photos courtesy of Steve Eggers

Savage Fen
Savage Fen SNA 

Fens are wetlands supported by upwelling groundwater flows creating springs and seepages. Mineral-rich, alkaline, peaty soils are saturated throughout the growing season. These include calcareous fens, the rarest wetland type in Minnesota and Wisconsin and which support a disproportionate number of rare plant species.

Fen spring
Fen spring - Active springs are often associated with fens.



Viola nephro
Viola nephrophylla
"Northern bog violet"
Parnassia glauca fruit
Parnassia glauca fruit
"Grass of Parnassus"
 Eriophorum angustifolia
Eriophorum angustifolium
"Narrow leaf cottongrass"

Types of plants found in fen wetlands

Cypripedium candidum
Cypripedium candidum
"White lady's slipper"

Carex sterilis
Carex sterilis
"Sterile Sedge"

Gentianaopsis procera
Gentianaopsis procera
"Lesser fringed gentian"