Eau Galle Lake

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published Feb. 26, 2015
Updated: Sept. 3, 2024
Eau Galle Lake observation deck

Eau Galle Lake observation deck

Eau Galle Recreation Area features a campground specifically for equestrians.

Eau Galle Recreation Area features a campground specifically for equestrians.


Authorized purposes for the Eau Galle Lake Project include flood control recreation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife.


Eau Galle Lake is located on the Eau Galle River immediately upstream of Spring Valley, Wisconsin, approximately 50 miles east of the Twin Cities of Minnesota.


The project is composed of a large earthen embankment, an uncontrolled morning glory control structure and outlet works, overnight camping areas, a beach, picnic areas, a boat launch for non-motorized vessels only, hiking and equestrian trails and scenic overlooks.


Recreation funds in the amount of $90,000 were originally cut from the fiscal year 2023 President’s Budget. Due to the potential impacts of reduced public recreation services, Corps Headquarters distributed this same amount in fiscal year 2022 America the Beautiful Pass funding for carryover and use in fiscal year 2023. The recreation budget for fiscal year 2024 improved to $307,000 and $324,000 is in the president’s budget for 2025.

The Northwest Day Use Area bridge, which provides the only vehicular access to the area, was closed in April 2024. Recent inspection identified significant deterioration. The closure is in effect indefinitely until significant repairs or replacement can occur. Pedestrians can still access the area via alternate trailheads.

Installation of a pedestrian bridge in the Main Day Use Area was funded as a sustainability project in fiscal year 2022. Funds in the amount of $115,000 received developed plans and specs for a floating bridge system. Additional funds are needed for procurement and installation.


Congress authorized construction and operation of the Eau Galle Dam, Eau Galle Reservoir, and downstream channel improvements via the Flood Control Act of 1958 (Public Law 85‒500).



FY 2023                                                        $806,850


FY 2024:

Allocation                                                      $930,600


FY 2025:

President’s Budget Request                            $1,130,000