CAP 206 Kinnickinnic River Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published April 3, 2024
Updated: Aug. 30, 2024

There are currently two dams on the Kinnickinnic River in River Falls, Wisconsin. The Kinnickinnic River is a class 1 trout stream and the river section along River Falls is highly degraded because of impoundments. The removal of the Powell Falls Dam, and possibly Junction Falls Dam, presents a unique opportunity to restore the river to its natural setting.


The project is located along the Kinnickinnic River in River Falls, Wisconsin, approximately 40 miles east of St. Paul, Minnesota. River Falls is approximately 10 miles upstream of the river’s confluence with the St. Croix River. The study area is in downtown River Falls.


Prior to the dams being constructed, the Kinnickinnic River was a free-flowing river with natural waterfalls.  The impoundments of Lake George and Lake Louise have resulted in increased sedimentation, high water temperatures, and lack of aquatic diversity.

The project sponsor, the city of River Falls, requested assistance from the U.S. Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of developing an aquatic ecosystem restoration project by researching the removal of Powell Dam or removing both Powell and Junction Dams.


A Federal Interest Determination was completed and approved in March 2022 and a Feasibility Cost Share Agreement was executed March 2023. 

The Corps is currently involved in the feasibility study and held a public meeting on Aug. 15, 2023. The Tentatively Selected Plan was approved in December 2023. The St. Paul District submitted a waiver request to exceed the federal project limit. The project schedule is being evaluated pending the decision on the waiver request. The study is cost shared 50% federal and 50% non-federal with an expected total approximate cost of $750,000.


Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996, as amended.


Federal funding provided to date:

FY 22

      Feasibility                                                   $400,000