Contact Information

Expand List item 13845Collapse List item 13845  Minnesota

 Field Office Address
MN North-Bemidji 4111 Technology
Drive NW, Suite 295
Bemidji, MN 56601
MN North-Brainerd 10867 East Gull Lake Drive NW
Brainerd, MN 56401
MN North-Duluth

11 East Superior St., Suite 260
Duluth, MN 55802

 MN South-La Crosse 332 Front Street S Floor 4
La Crosse, WI 54601
Expand List item 13846Collapse List item 13846  Wisconsin

 Field Office


WI East- Brookfield 250 North Sunnyslope
Road, Suite 296
Brookfield, WI 53005

WI East-Green

320 North Broadway, Suite 200
Green Bay, WI 54303
 WI West-Hayward

10637 Hayward Court
Unit 2
Hayward, WI 54843

 WI West- Stevens
2926 Post Road,
Suite B
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Expand List item 6116Collapse List item 6116  District Headquarters

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District - Regulatory

332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Tel: (651) 290-5525
800-290-5847 x 5525

Expand List item 25753Collapse List item 25753  Transportation and Utility Branch for Water Resources Development Section 214 Agreements

Transportation and Utility Branch:
Tel (MN): (651)-290-5769
Tel (WI) 740-312-0898
Email the Transportation and Utility Team

Expand List item 37204Collapse List item 37204  Technical Services Branch for Mitigation Banking Programs
  All regional general permit (RGP) activities must be conducted in accordance with RGP terms and conditions, and the appropriate 401 water quality certification conditions. RGP terms and conditions can be downloaded for each specific RGP below. The 401 water quality decision that applies to your project location can be found by selecting your project's location from the 401 certification text box below. If a 401 water quality certification has not been granted for your project's location or activity, you must obtain an individual 401 water quality certification or waiver from the appropriate 401 certifying agency. 

Regional General Permits available for use in Minnesota and Wisconsin

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 31496Collapse List item 31496  Bank Stabilization and Habitat Improvement

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bank Stabilization and Habitat Improvement Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Certain regulated activities require an applicant to submit pre-construction notification (PCN) and receive written St. Paul District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch (Corps) verification prior to commencing work. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.

Expand List item 20319Collapse List item 20319  Beach Creation and Nourishment

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Creation and Nourishment Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.


Expand List item 20320Collapse List item 20320  Beach Raking

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Raking Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Certain regulated activities require an applicant to submit pre‐construction notification (PCN) and receive written St. Paul District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch (Corps) verification prior to commencing work. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.

Expand List item 20321Collapse List item 20321  Minor Discharges

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Minor Discharges Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota, except for Section 404 activities in the following three 8-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) in the Lake Superior Basin of Wisconsin: 04010301, 04010302, and 04020300. The excluded HUCs are also shown in a map attached to the end of this permit. This exclusion does not apply to Section 404 activities proposed within the exterior boundaries
of the Bad River Reservation or the Red Cliff Reservation, regardless of HUC. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.

Expand List item 20322Collapse List item 20322  Piers and docks

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Piers and Docks Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.

Expand List item 20323Collapse List item 20323  Transportation

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Transportation Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Certain regulated activities require an applicant to submit pre‐construction notification (PCN) and receive written St. Paul District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch (Corps) verification prior to commencing work. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit.

Expand List item 20324Collapse List item 20324  Utility

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with all applicable terms and conditions of the Utility Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota, excluding Section 404 activities in the following three 8-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) in the Lake Superior Basin of Wisconsin: 04010301, 04010302, and 04020300. The excluded HUCs are also shown in a map attached to the end of this permit. This exclusion does not apply to Section 404 activities proposed within the exterior boundaries of the Bad River Reservation or the Red Cliff Reservation, regardless of HUC. Certain activities require an applicant to submit pre-construction notification (PCN) and receive written St. Paul District Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch (Corps) verification prior to commencing work. Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.

Expand List item 20325Collapse List item 20325  Wildlife Ponds

Click here to open the RGP and applicable regional and general conditions. Opens in a new window (pdf).

Regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Ponds Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) are authorized in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Refer to the appropriate sections of this permit for a description of RGP procedures, eligible activities, conditions, exclusions, and application instructions.


401 Water Quality Certification

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Expand List item 20377Collapse List item 20377  All federally-recognized American Indian reservations in Minnesota and Wisconsin excluding those reservations listed below

Click here to open the document (PDF)
All federally-recognized American Indian reservations in Minnesota and Wisconsin excluding those reservations listed below
Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Contact: Melissa Blankenship
Phone: 312-886-9641

Expand List item 20375Collapse List item 20375  Bad River Reservation

Location: Bad River Reservation
Agency: Bad River Natural Resources Department
Contact: Naomi Tillison
Phone: 715-682-7123 x 1566
Email: nrdirector@badriver-nsn.gov0

Click here to open the document (PDF)

Expand List item 20372Collapse List item 20372  Fond du Lac Reservation

Location: Fond du Lac Reservation
Agency: Fond du Lac Band Resource Management Division
Contact: Richard Gitar
Phone: 218-878-7122

Click here to open the document (PDF)

Expand List item 20371Collapse List item 20371  Grand Portage Reservation

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: Grand Portage Reservation
Agency: Grand Portage Environmental Resources Board
Contact: Margaret Watkins
Phone: 218-475-2026

Expand List item 20369Collapse List item 20369  Lac du Flambeau Reservation

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: Lac du Flambeau Reservation
Agency: Lac du Flambeau Water Resources Department
Contact: Jason De Vries
Phone: 715-588-4162

Expand List item 31467Collapse List item 31467  Leech Lake Reservation

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: Leech Lake Reservation
Agency: Leech Lake Division of Resource Management
Contact: Jeff Harper
Phone: 218-252-2805

Expand List item 31468Collapse List item 31468  Red Lake Reservation

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: Red Lake Reservation
Agency: Red Lake Department of Natural Resources
Contact: Shane Bowe
Phone: 218-679-1608

Expand List item 20370Collapse List item 20370  State of Minnesota (excluding reservations)

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: State of Minnesota (excluding reservation)
Agency: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Contact: Kirsten Barta
Phone: 651-757-2827

Expand List item 20373Collapse List item 20373  State of Wisconsin (excluding reservations)

Click here to open the document (PDF)
Location: State of Wisconsin (excluding reservations)
Agency: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Contact: Cami Peterson
Phone: 608-261-6400

Expand List item 34173Collapse List item 34173  2023 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule Process Flowchart