ST. Paul, Minn. – The. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters recently selected St. Paul District employee Adéle Braun as the recipient of its inaugural 2012 Value Engineering “Rising Star” Award.
The award was established to recognize the significant accomplishments of an individual who is new to the value engineering community. It is given to the Corps’ professional whose contributions to the value engineering program are not only exceptional in their first few years, but show the dedication and drive to deliver the highest value to customers.
“Adéle has put a lot of hard work into the district’s value engineering program since she took on the role,” said Michael Dahlquist, Braun’s supervisor. “With an emphasis on enhancing the vitality and credibility of value engineering in the district, she has taken an innovative approach to the implantation of the value engineering program during a period when the laws and regulations surrounding value engineering were undergoing significant change.”
Braun, a Crystal, Minn., resident, has served as the value engineering officer for the St. Paul District for more than one year. During her tenure, she led the Fargo, N.D.,-Moorhead, Minn., Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Mitigation Project value engineering team, whose goal was to increase the value to the proposed Red River of the North diversion project.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, serves the American public in the areas of environmental enhancement, navigation, flood damage reduction, water and wetlands regulation, recreation sites and disaster response. It contributes around $181 million to the five-state district economy. The 700 employees work at more than 40 sites in five upper-Midwest states. For more information, see
Release no. 12-044