ST. PAUL, Minn. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking comments on the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment, or SEA, for three phases of the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project.
The proposed action would occur within the city of Minot, North Dakota. The purpose of the project is to reduce future flood risks throughout the U.S. portions of the Souris River Basin by constructing a series of new levees, floodwalls and other flood risk-reduction features.
Known locally as the Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project, or MREFPP, the project is constructed and permitted in a number of stages over the course of multiple decades, depending on available funding. The following stages of the request implements the South Minot System of the MREFPP:
• Phase MI-6 will provide flood risk-reduction features within the 1st Avenue NE and Central Avenue E area, located to the northeast of downtown Minot.
• Phase MI-7 will provide flood risk-reduction for the Roosevelt Park and zoo area, in the central portion of Minot.
• Phase MI-8 will provide flood risk-reduction within the central portion of Minot near South Valker Road.
• Phase MI-9 includes the modification of the Burdick Expressway bridge.
A final determination on the draft SEA will be made following a 30-day public review period. A copy of the EA can be viewed at: The Corps is conducting a review of the environmental effects in accordance with the National Environment Policy Act.
Comments on the draft EA should be submitted no later than July 24. Questions and comments concerning the project should be directed to Elliott Stefanik at (651) 290-5260 or at Please address all formal written correspondence on this project to District Engineer, St. Paul District, USACE of Engineers, ATTN: Elliott Stefanik, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E1500, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101.
All comments received will be made available to the public to include the possibility of being posted on a publicly accessible website. Individuals are requested not to include personal privacy information, such as home addresses or home phone numbers, in their comments, unless they do not object to such information being made available to the public.