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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Paul District
Public Affairs Office
332 Minnesota St., Suite E1500
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 290-5807
Fax: (651) 290-5752 


Water safety is everyone’s business this Memorial Day weekend

Published May 24, 2018

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is encouraging water-vessel operators and passengers to take the safe-boating pledge and exercise caution while enjoying their favorite water-based activities this holiday weekend.

The Corps of Engineers is one of the nation’s leading providers of outdoor recreation with more than 400 lake and river projects, and wearing an approved life jacket is the simplest life-saving strategy for recreational boaters. In fact:

-       In the past 10 years, 88 percent of all Corps of Engineers water-related fatalities were men and 68 percent were between the ages of 20 and 60

-       84 percent of those killed in water-related accidents were not wearing life jackets, and 27 percent of boating fatalities were from falls overboard

-       The activity that caused the most water-related fatalities was swimming in undesignated areas

National Safe Boating Week runs from May 19 to 25, and the district wants you to remember when you or a loved one are on or near the water remember to wear a life jacket, don’t’ drink and boat, keep an eye on children and inexperienced swimmers, swim with a friend and avoid water-based activities during severe weather.

Please remember a properly-fitting life jacket can make all the difference – find out which life jacket style is best for your boating activity at

And lastly, remember “Life Jackets Worn…Nobody Mourns.” Learn more at

Release no. 18-042