The County Road M study area is located approximately 1 mile northeast of the village of Colfax, Wisconsin in west-central Wisconsin along the Red Cedar River in Dunn County. The site is approximately 75 miles east of St. Paul, Minnesota.
An area of County Road M along the east bank of the Red Cedar River northeast of Colfax is being threatened by erosion. The erosion is occurring along the outside bend of the river. Based on surveys, a stretch of river bank that is approximately 500 feet long is actively eroding where the top of bank has encroached on the right-of-way for County Road M. Currently the top of bank is within 10‒15 feet of the shoulder at the center of the site. Further erosion would lead to a significant safety concern as the bank drops off approximately 50 feet to the river below.
County Road M is a heavily trafficked road that provides many farmsteads in the area with access to Colfax. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation estimates the average daily traffic of that section of County Road M to be approximately 910 vehicles.
The Dunn County Public Works Department requested a study on October 30, 2015. A federal interest determination was completed in June 2016 and was approved in July 2016.
A feasibility study was completed and evaluated an array of alternatives designed to stabilize the erosion that is threating County Road M. Approval was given to proceed with the project in May 2018.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Dunn County are working to execute a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA). PPA execution is expected in May 2019. Following the execution of a PPA final project design will be initiated.
Section 14 of the 1946 Flood Control Act, as amended, Emergency Streambank Erosion or Shoreline Protection.
The first $100,000 of project funding has been provided to complete the PPA. The design and implementation phase of the project will be cost shared at 65 percent federal and 35 percent non-federal. It is estimated that the total cost to design and construct the project is $1,297,000.
Federal funds allocated to date $200,000