Flood Risk Management: Section 205, Minnesota River, Montevideo, Minnesota

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Published April 3, 2024
Updated: Aug. 30, 2024
In Fiscal Year 2008, Federal funding was provided to begin construction of the Montevideo, Minn., flood risk management project. The project cooperation agreement was executed in August 2007 and the Stage 1 construction contract was awarded in September 2008. The Stage 2 construction contract was awarded in September 2010. To complete the project, a third stage of construction will be needed at full expense to the non-Federal sponsor, the city of Montevideo. Stage 3 will be split into two contracts. The total Federal project costs are limited to $7 million and have been expended.

Montevideo, Minn.


Minimize flood damages and disruptions caused by recurring flooding of the Minnesota and Chippewa Rivers in Montevideo, Minnesota.


Montevideo is in Chippewa County in western Minnesota, approximately 130 miles west of St. Paul, Minnesota. The city is at the confluence of the Chippewa and Minnesota rivers and is subject to flooding from both rivers.


In fiscal year 2008, federal funding was provided through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Continuing Authorities Program to construct the project. The project cooperation agreement was executed in August 2007. The project was then broken into five different stages: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3a, Railroad Closure and Stage 3b.

Construction of the project is complete. In April 2024, the Corps submitted levee certification data to the   Federal Emergency Management Agency so the project can be reflected in the flood insurance rate maps.


Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948 as amended.


The initial costs were shared 65% federal and 35% non-federal, up to the federal limit of $7 million. The non-federal sponsor has provided the remining balance of funding.


Federal Cost                                                $7,000,000

Non-Federal Cost                                      $10,540,000

Estimated Total Cost                                  $17,540,000