The sponsor proposes to develop the Buffalo Ridge Wetland Bank. The sponsor proposes to restore approximately 15.6 acres of wet meadow, shallow marsh and deep marsh wetland and 20 acres of native prairie as upland buffer. The proposed easement area is 37.9 acres. Current land use consists of row crop agriculture, a pumpkin patch and small naturally vegetated areas along fence lines. The site contains two distinct depressional areas proposed for wetland restoration labeled Area A and B on the enclosed figure labeled MVP-2023-01540-MVM
Page 4 of 5. Area A and B are drained by subsurface drain tiles. Existing vegetation includes cultivated row crops, smooth brome grass foxtail, ragweed, and quackgrass. Small, wooded areas along the fringes of the row crop fields are dominated by boxelder, ash and maples trees.