Public Notices - Minnesota and Wisconsin


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published Sept. 13, 2024
Expiration date: 9/13/2024

This is an update to a previous public notice, issued July 5, 2022. The sponsor is proposing a new site design with an outlet that does not rely on the County Ditch 5 weir. The updated design is shown on the enclosed figured labeled MVP-2011-05160-MVM Page 3 of 4. The sponsor still proposes to develop the 50.8-acre Weerts Wetland Bank located on three parcels. Within the easement, 50.1-acres consist of row crop agriculture and 0.7-acres are wooded. Historic imagery indicates the site was historically a wetland basin prior to agriculture operations occurring after 1979. The proposed easement area is drained by subsurface drain tiles and open ditches. Existing vegetation includes cultivated row crops, smooth brome grass and reed canary grass, and the small, wooded area at the southeastern corner is dominated by common hackberry trees.