It is the policy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, to apply principles of good environmental stewardship to the natural and cultural resources located on Corps administered federal lands.
The St. Paul District’s Mississippi River environmental stewardship function is headquartered in La Crescent, Minnesota. The organization is responsible for managing the lands and waters of the 9-foot channel navigation project, which includes the pool areas of 13 locks and dams along the nearly 250-mile stretch of the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to Guttenberg, Iowa.
A progressive forestry/wildlife program is actively managed under an existing memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on approximately 25,000 acres held in federal ownership in the project area. Much of this area makes up the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge.
On project lands in Pools 3 through 10, there are approximately 460 shoreline-use permits for docks, lifts and floating boathouses and 250 special-use licenses for stairways, sheds and other land based facilities. Environmental Section staffs also administer this program, which includes inspections of facilities, maintaining records, initiating renewals, facilitating transfers and collecting fees.
For more information contact:
Environmental Section/Mississippi River Recreation Office
1114 South Oak Street
La Crescent, MN 55947-0177