WEBVTT 00:04.050 --> 00:06.050 I'm dan Williams , a ranger here at 00:06.050 --> 00:08.272 Cross Lake recreation area for the Army 00:08.272 --> 00:10.383 Corps of Engineers . So we're here at 00:10.383 --> 00:12.383 winter fest . Um , this is a yearly 00:12.383 --> 00:14.494 event , the 21st year that we've done 00:14.494 --> 00:16.717 this , that city of Cross Lake does and 00:16.717 --> 00:18.772 then we participate in it . Um , and 00:18.772 --> 00:20.661 each year we do this water safety 00:20.661 --> 00:22.661 coloring contest and basically what 00:22.661 --> 00:25.150 that is is we , it gets published in 00:25.150 --> 00:27.261 the paper and we send them out to all 00:27.261 --> 00:29.483 the businesses in the area where people 00:29.483 --> 00:31.428 can come here and get the coloring 00:31.428 --> 00:33.372 contest and then they will all age 00:33.372 --> 00:35.483 groups can can participate . So under 00:35.483 --> 00:37.710 five , all the way up to adults , we 00:37.710 --> 00:39.770 hang them up on the walls . Um , and 00:39.770 --> 00:41.937 and visitors here can come in and vote 00:41.937 --> 00:43.937 on their favorite ones for each age 00:43.937 --> 00:46.103 group . So this year , um , I actually 00:46.103 --> 00:48.214 had the opportunity to draw the water 00:48.214 --> 00:50.381 safety coloring contest , so kind of a 00:50.381 --> 00:52.603 cool thing to do to use kind of another 00:52.603 --> 00:54.826 skill that I might have and then to put 00:54.826 --> 00:56.548 it to use here . Um , so I was 00:56.548 --> 00:58.548 privileged to do that and then um , 00:58.548 --> 01:00.603 what we did is so we can see that we 01:00.603 --> 01:02.659 have paul bunyan , we have barbara , 01:02.659 --> 01:04.826 the water safety dog is part of it and 01:04.826 --> 01:06.992 we wanted to do something winter since 01:06.992 --> 01:09.048 this is winter fest . So we , we had 01:09.048 --> 01:10.881 paul bunyan out there on the ice 01:10.881 --> 01:12.770 fishing , catching crappie and of 01:12.770 --> 01:14.714 course they are wearing their life 01:14.714 --> 01:16.826 jackets and , and paul bunyan has his 01:16.826 --> 01:18.937 ice picks around around his neck just 01:18.937 --> 01:21.103 in case , you know , because no ice is 01:21.103 --> 01:23.214 safe ice . It's important for us when 01:23.214 --> 01:25.381 we participate in these events that we 01:25.381 --> 01:27.548 want families and kids that come out . 01:27.548 --> 01:29.714 We want to emphasize the importance of 01:29.714 --> 01:29.315 safety on the water .