WEBVTT 00:01.740 --> 00:03.010 this . Yeah . 00:07.440 --> 00:11.340 Mhm Yeah , we're 00:11.350 --> 00:13.210 working with fema right now , 00:13.220 --> 00:14.942 identifying sites going out to 00:14.942 --> 00:17.053 different locations , different parks 00:17.053 --> 00:19.380 and talking with the homeowner and then 00:19.380 --> 00:21.491 we kind of move forward with that and 00:21.491 --> 00:23.460 do like site drawings and um pass 00:23.460 --> 00:25.182 everything up to fema and then 00:25.182 --> 00:27.590 eventually those lots end up hosting 00:27.600 --> 00:29.767 temporary houses just like this year . 00:29.767 --> 00:31.544 It's important because a lot of 00:31.544 --> 00:33.767 families have lost their home after the 00:33.767 --> 00:35.878 hurricane and these units give them a 00:35.878 --> 00:37.767 place to go , a lot of people are 00:37.767 --> 00:39.878 displaced , some have left the area , 00:39.878 --> 00:41.989 but some have nowhere else to go . So 00:41.989 --> 00:44.156 it's important to give them a place in 00:44.156 --> 00:46.100 their home . It means a lot . It's 00:46.100 --> 00:45.950 amazing to hear their stories . They 00:45.950 --> 00:49.440 have uh lost so much and they each have 00:49.440 --> 00:51.440 different experiences with it . You 00:51.440 --> 00:53.662 know , it's like they either lost their 00:53.662 --> 00:55.884 home completely or maybe they just have 00:55.884 --> 00:57.996 a little bit of damage . It's nice to 00:57.996 --> 00:59.996 see the community come together and 00:59.996 --> 01:02.107 help each other as neighbors . It can 01:02.107 --> 01:01.860 be like a pretty emotional mission down 01:01.860 --> 01:04.290 here but we do get to work together , 01:04.290 --> 01:06.623 luckily I've been able to come with Amy , 01:06.623 --> 01:08.623 we deployed last year for hurricane 01:08.623 --> 01:10.940 laura and I hate to admit it , but it 01:10.940 --> 01:13.560 was my first time flying actually . So 01:13.740 --> 01:15.800 Amy has been through it all with me 01:15.810 --> 01:18.750 from day 1 to now and You know we did 01:18.750 --> 01:21.740 47 days last year and Lord knows how 01:21.740 --> 01:23.740 many this year and just like a good 01:23.740 --> 01:25.907 friendship that's developed and I know 01:25.907 --> 01:28.129 the second we got down here this year , 01:28.129 --> 01:30.073 we were pretty excited when we got 01:30.073 --> 01:32.129 paired together . Yeah , we just get 01:32.129 --> 01:34.407 along super well and she's really good . 01:34.407 --> 01:33.700 I mean I think we make a good team , we 01:33.700 --> 01:35.589 balanced each other out and we're 01:35.589 --> 01:37.700 coworkers back home when we get to be 01:37.700 --> 01:39.867 partners together down here . And it's 01:39.867 --> 01:42.089 it's really nice . She's one of my best 01:42.089 --> 01:41.720 friends outside of work , so it's a 01:41.720 --> 01:42.720 great 01:42.720 --> 01:46.960 experience . 01:47.640 --> 01:49.660 Mm . Mhm .