WEBVTT 00:00.240 --> 00:02.980 Yeah . Mhm . Yeah . 00:10.540 --> 00:14.280 Mm hmm . Hi , is Palma Yulieski , uh , 00:14.290 --> 00:16.100 Judge Material Manager Corps of 00:16.100 --> 00:17.878 Engineers , part of the channel 00:17.878 --> 00:20.100 maintenance program . A key part of the 00:20.100 --> 00:22.322 Channel maintenance program is after we 00:22.322 --> 00:22.200 dredged material from the river we 00:22.200 --> 00:23.950 provided at upland sites for 00:23.950 --> 00:25.950 communities to come in and use that 00:25.950 --> 00:27.728 material for their own economic 00:27.728 --> 00:29.950 developments within those communities . 00:29.950 --> 00:31.617 Either for um road sanding or 00:31.640 --> 00:35.500 construction site Phil or even general 00:35.500 --> 00:37.556 feel for the local farming community 00:37.556 --> 00:39.280 for cattle betting . So at our 00:39.280 --> 00:41.391 Brownsville Minnesota site , which is 00:41.391 --> 00:43.669 in pool eight of the Mississippi River , 00:43.669 --> 00:45.836 we have a beneficial use project going 00:45.836 --> 00:48.500 on where local contractors are moving 00:48.500 --> 00:50.740 sand from our up one place in sight and 00:50.740 --> 00:52.851 taking into a development in lacrosse 00:52.851 --> 00:55.073 Wisconsin . So the benefits use project 00:55.073 --> 00:57.129 is a very significant typically will 00:57.129 --> 00:59.580 have users come in and take about 00:59.590 --> 01:01.660 30-40,000 yards per year . They're 01:01.660 --> 01:04.980 taken 3-4-5 times that under this 01:04.990 --> 01:06.712 single event . And it's really 01:06.712 --> 01:08.879 restoring a lot of capacity for future 01:08.879 --> 01:10.823 dredging needs . The material from 01:10.823 --> 01:12.990 Brownsville site is being used in this 01:12.990 --> 01:14.823 lacrosse location to elevate the 01:14.823 --> 01:16.934 property out of the floodplain . They 01:16.934 --> 01:16.590 are getting the material from us for 01:16.590 --> 01:18.960 free and not having to pay for it from 01:18.970 --> 01:21.081 local quarries and pay for that extra 01:21.081 --> 01:23.192 cost of material . It's a win win for 01:23.192 --> 01:25.137 all of us because we are regaining 01:25.137 --> 01:27.303 capacity and they can use material for 01:27.303 --> 01:27.010 future 01:27.010 --> 01:37.360 development . 01:38.940 --> 01:40.740 Yeah , yeah